Orcs & More Orcs: Blue Sky Minis 3D STL Files

Blue sky Minis feature rIf you love Orcs, you need to check out what you can score with the Blue Sky Minis 3D STL files this month- check it out!

Blue Sky Minis is constantly pumping out some of the coolest Orc files on the market at a great price. With so many Orcs coming out lately, it’s always fun to grab files like these to set your army apart. Check out what you can score with Blue Sky in August! 

Blue Sky Minis 3D STL Files:

Straight from their Patreon here’s what you’ll score each month.

Hey! I’m a sculptor who has a passion for everything wargaming. Right now the focus is on Orcs, specifically for 32mm tabletop games. Though I do plan to branch out to other armies and themes in the future!

I really appreciate your support and I look forward to growing a community of people who can help me with themes of future projects as well as iterate on the design process for each release as we go along.

The plan is to release multiple high-quality digital sculpts each month. I want my supporters to be able to help me create a road map for what they want to see in future releases. I look forward to you helping me along the way!

Blue sky Minis

  • Welcome Pack: a squad of Shoota Boys (with 12 unique sculpts) a squad of Burna Boys (with 7 unique sculpts and a MekBoy!) and a squad of Kommandos (with 7 unique sculpts) and a massive centerpiece War Boss model

August Files:

Blue sky Minis 2


Blue sky Minis 5


Blue sky Minis 4


Blue sky Minis 3Talk about fun Orc files! Just another reason why you should hop on the 3D printing wave. Each of the files is just insanely detailed and would really make your army stand out on the tabletop and shelf. If you love all things Orc, you need to check this Patreon out.

Make Sure You visit Blue sky Minis To Get These Files!

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