Ork Warp Weapon: Shokk Attack Gun: LORE

By Tim Roberts | June 15th, 2019 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News


Get the details about the most innovative and deadly gun in the Ork arsenal as we get out da mek tools and break down the Ork Shokk Attack Gun!

The Orks have all kinds of crazy technology that they have created over the years. But, none more cunning and dastardly that the Shokk Attack Gun. Let’s find out how this gun works (when it works correctly that is)!

Via: Lexicanum

In appearance, it is a large, heavy piece of machinery with huge, spinning blades at the front and numerous whirring, grinding cogs, and other gubbins sticking out from the casing. When used it makes a distinctive whine, shakes and rattles in an alarming fashion, oily smoke pours from inside as its Mek Operator holds on as tight as he can. It is very hard to aim with a Shokk Attack Gun, as even the strongest Orks find it hard to hold it still.


No one knows exactly how it does it, but the Shokk Attack Gun projects a narrow forcefield through the Warp, beginning at the end of the barrel and ending roughly where the gun is aimed. The portals look like small spinning black holes. In this way, it is possible for living creatures to travel through the warp towards the exit point.

Though the field maintains the integrity, an unprotected journey through the Warp is a very horrifying experience and no Ork would agree to be fired and Gretchin has the brains enough to avoid it, so Mek Operators of Shokk Attack Guns gather Snotlings, who are brainless enough to serve as its ammo. They are fired out of the gun, driven out of their tiny minds in the process.

This has the effect of terrifying the Snotlings, making them exit the portal in a frenzy, ripping and tearing at anything they encounter as they leave the portal. This is effective because the Mek often tries to aim the gun directly on top of enemy soldiery, and they emerge inside living creatures or enemy tanks (ripping them apart from the inside) as well as landing nearby due to the very effective condensed exit point. Otherwise, they are seen dropping out of the sky onto unsuspecting enemy troops.


The device itself is very complex and it is fairly common for it to fail in different and spectacular ways. The gun is known to misfire causing the tunnel to implode, killing anything in transit at the time. It can explode, leaving a crackling orb of unreality in its place. Or it can spin out of control, its operator failing to control it efficiently, making Snotlings explode in a spray of blood and gore, open a hole into the Warp itself, as a ravening cloud of sentient daemonic ichor gushes out into the material realm, or result in any kind of unnatural and destructive phenomena. Overall, it must be the most unpredictable weapon ever created and it is rightfully feared by Ork enemies.


The gun is maintained by a Big Mek and a Runtherd entices Snotlings into the barrel. Sometimes a group of Shokk Attack Gun-wielding Meks form a Shokk Attack Battery with the help of a Runtherd to ensure that a constant stream of Snotlings is herded towards the Meks. Such a battery wreaks untold havoc across a battlefield resulting in a myriad of unpredictable and devastating effects. It can also be mounted on a Mekboy Junka


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