Ork Weirdboy Plastic Conversion

By BrassScorpion | September 2nd, 2014 | Categories: Conversions, Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer Fantasy

weirdboy_closeupLots of great new Ork stuff got released recently, but alas no plastic Weirdboy. Here’s how I converted one of my own. You know how it is, you get filled with the spirits of Gork and Mork and before you know it your banging out some new crazy conversion.

This was one of those projects that was totally unnecessary, but once I had the idea for it I just had to do it. I own a metal Weirdboy model, but really wanted to do one in plastic. Buying the same metal model over again in Finecast was not appealing, fine bits like staffs and chains are generally flimsy in Finecast. Besides, I wanted the fun of making my own original creation.

Of course, many elements of my converted Weirdboy are inspired by the Games Workshop model and it was exciting figuring out how to add those elements by combining just the right bits to do it.

The Savage Orc Warboss model was the basis of this conversion. Here’s a look at the sprue fresh out of its clam shell pack.






Of course the Weirdboy needs a staff, so I found this Big Choppa from the Ork Warbikers kit to be an ideal starting point. It already combines elements of the primitive with elements of technology and the chain makes it absolutely perfect for the look I wanted.






I cut the original model’s arm at the elbow and attached the Big Choppa arm. I trimmed off the axe head and added various bits to convert the Big Choppa to an Ork Weirdboy staff. An Ork skull plus some tech looking bits recreate the feel of the original GW Weirdboy sculpt. The fabricated crossbones combined with the natural Ork skull give it just the right look I think.






The decorative base not only looks great, it has the toes for the right foot on it. I trimmed the edge of the base off carefully with model clippers.






Then glued it to a 40mm base.






I added a cloak using a bit from the GW Chaos Terminator Lord. I used a Dremel tool to hollow out a space to glue it on the Ork’s back, then sculpted a bit more fur up over the shoulders using Apoxie Sculpt. The left forearm of the model has also been replaced with a 40K Ork Nob arm so that it matches the right arm.






I really like the bulging “crazy eye” on the GW Weirdboy, so I recreated it with Apoxie Sculpt after using a Dremel to make the eye socket a bit larger. I also added more chains to the model. The bone in the topknot comes from the original unused arm of the Savage Orc Warboss.






Finally, I built up matching scenery around the plastic scenic base using Apoxie Sculpt. The finished model is a dynamic and crazed looking mix of science fantasy tech and primitive Ork shamanism.






This rear view shows the chain I added dangling from the cloak. The chains on this model are clipped from bits from the Ork Warbiker set.






And there you have it, one plastic Weirdboy ready to summon devastation upon the foes of the Waaagh!

I built this while painting my Ork Flashgitz and he’s definitely due for painting as soon as the Flashgitz are done. I also have a commission painting project at the moment so my painting palette is literally pretty full. How am I ever going to get to those wonderful models still sitting in boxes?