Orks Get A New Mini To Match Black Library Title

Armies-on-Parade-&-Lore-40k-AoS-orks-ghazkull-title-banner-1The Orks are getting a new character miniature for 40k from the latest Black Library Preview along with their new title!

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about the new Ork minis and his books! Along with our commentary on it as well!

Orks Get A New Mini To Match His Black Library Appearances

Ufthak Blackhawk

The Bad Moons Boss Ufthak Blackhawk is back from his adventures in Brutal Kunnin’, and he’s once again up to his big green neck in trouble. But before we get to the trials and tribulations of his brand new novel, we’ve got an awesome miniature to see.

Talk about a sweet mini! A huge gun mounted on top of a loyal squig, and a huge hammer to boot? Ufthak is here to lay down the hurt!


Ufthak Blackhawk detail

Packing his ded ‘urty Snazzhammer and his loyal squig Princess to balance his blasta on, Ufthak is a beast of a Warboss who lives up to his reputation as the ‘Gargantsmasha’.

A squig-delivered weapon has to be the best thing since sliced bread and we are sure Ufthak agrees.

da big dakka

He makes a great thematic stand-in for any regular Bad Moons Warboss, or he’ll also be getting Legends rules if you want to include this particular Ork in your army. That’s not all from Ufthak – our unusually cunning Warboss is also starring in Da Big Dakka, his second full-length novel and sequel to Brutal Kunnin’. 

Ork books are pretty good and Brutal Kunnin’ was great! So this story following that should also be pretty dope!

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