Orks Invent a New Way To Loot: Adepticon Army Showcase

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Orks picked up a new kind of looting at Adepticon. These guys found a use for whatever they managed to krump in the heat of battle to make them better!

The Orks were turning heads at Adepticon with their Tyranid war trophies. The best part is that not all the Tyranids in the list were dead! They may have “recruited” a few to join the Waaagh!

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Orks Picked Up a New Form of Looting: Adepticon Army Showcase

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The Orks rolled out their Tyranid counterparts in full force at Adepticon. It looks like they took over an old Imperial mining camp and used that as a base of operation for their Big Mek to splice some wargear onto the bugs they wrangled up.

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Maybe the Orks realized that the damage output of a Morkanaut really went up when they mixed it with the speed of a Tyrannofex. Also, with a few extra armor scraps lying around, it looks like they suited up some Genestealers to take a bit more of a punch.

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As for air support, one Boy was brave enough to tie some chains to the horns of a Harpy and ride it into battle. While it might not be the easiest to handle, it’s definitely a good distraction for the rest of the force. I’ll take that objective when Orks fly!

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A Weird Boy combined the Shadow in the Warp with the Power of the Waaagh! and beefed up his Boyz with attacks before slingshotting them across the table.

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The detailing, conversions and paint jobs on the models really make them stand out from the rest of the armies you might normally see. You can tell a lot of Xenos love went into making this list. All of the models have some kind of detail that sets them apart from each other. Plus, their bases all match the display board. (This is a huge deal when it comes to aesthetics).  Great job!

What do you think about this Ork army? How many hours do you think was put into this list? Do you have a converted Ork Waagh! yourself? Tell us about it in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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