Orks Roll Out Their City-Leveler At Adepticon!

Orks have a long history of making wacky things. But every once in a while, they make something that is truly terrifying.

Adepticon had armies from the far corners of the world come together to the hobby. Check out what the Orks managed to scrape together just in time for the event!

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Orks Roll Out their City-Leveler

Professionally painted by Man Beard Painting!

This army placed at the top tables in the display board competition. (Shocking right?) This display is so big it makes the Morkanaut look Dreadnought-sized! The Mek behind this monstrosity likes to build on the go so he crafted this mechanical nightmare. This thing looks like it could topple a Warlord Titan with the tiniest of nudges!

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The size of this thing is incredible but to add even more icing on the cake, everything has a crisp paint job! The Orks are sporting the classic Bad Moonz yellow and looking good!

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Take a closer look at the Morkanaut. He’s got details on his details. The fade on the yellow and small paint scratchings really tie this model together.

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While their tank creeps forward to the next good fight, the Boyz have to try to contain their excitement and man any guns they can.

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Lastly, the two masterminds behind the whole operation are a couple of Big Meks on bikes. They are the ones in charge of making sure everything on the machine runs smoothly. You gotta keep that Waaagh! energy level up!

Be sure to check out Man Beard Painting for all your commission painting needs today!

What a great piece that was spotted at Adepticon! It’s no surprise that this display made it to the top tables in the competition. What do you think about this army? Have you been inspired to make a display for your faction? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.