Orktober Rumors: New Codex Rules & Model LATEST

By Wesley Floyd | October 7th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

ork walpaper flash gitz

We’re not quite a week into Orktober, but it feels like we have been here all along. Check out the latest rules & release rumors for the ORKS!

We’ve had some bold rumors in the past and we may just now be seeing part of them come to pass. Let’s check out some old rumors first and see where we stand with the latest previews.

Orktober Rumors: New Codex Rules & Model LATEST

Ghazghkull orks hor wal

BoLS posted a rumor a while back about what was coming to the Orks in 8th edition.

Industry rumormongers say to look for the following:

  • Look for the Orks to return about a year after 8th Edition arrived.
  • The Orks will return to the game in a major way with a large release.
  • There will be advancing storylines putting the Orks in the post great rift Imperium in a big way.
  • Multiple new kits are coming.
  • Many existing units will be changed substantially from their current rules.

Ghazghkull Rework

ghazghkull Orktober Rumors: New Codex Rules & Model LATEST

On top of that, Chapter Master Valrak had some word to say about a new model coming to the Orks in a video on YouTube.

I’ve been sent some information regarding Orks and their upcoming codex for 8th Edtion. Apparently, they will be getting new kits and a big push with the new story. Now I’ve personally heard that Prime Orks are going to be a thing for them, remember, bring your SALT!

ork wal

He also posted on Bolter and Chainsword talking about Ghazghkull getting a new model. He called him the “Prime-Ork”.

Ghazz is going to receive a new model, prime Ork. New models on release of codex.

Q: Where is this information from? Wonder if it will be mentioned tomorrow, GW posted they were revealing some information tomorrow if I recall.

A: I have a chap that sends me stuff, the last thing he sent me was Knight Codex information about a week or two before GW announced it. Again I have to state, bring your SALT!

Apparently, Ghazghkull is going to be the only model getting the “Prime” status. More rumors could pop up between now and their release so who knows what other units Orks might be getting?

In keeping up with the lore, some of Orks have been fighting almost constantly against Tyranid Hive Fleets on various planets. We all know that Orks get bigger the more they fight. Maybe we could see some bigger Orks come from those battles against the Tyranids.

An In-Depth Look at Speed Freeks

Speed Freeks is going to be ushering in an era of Ork players racing down the battlefield in souped-up “vehicles” punishing the enemy with dakka and Guardsmen-grinding jet turbines.

scrapjet 1

Megatrakk Scrapjet

scrapjet 2

The Megatrakk Scrapjet is the latest model we’ve seen revolving around Speed Freeks. This model does NOT disappoint. We’ve never seen anything close to the aesthetics of this model for anything in Warhammer. It makes you wonder exactly what kind of rules it will have.

GW has slowly been releasing models from the Box set over the past couple of weeks. Take a peek at some of the other Orkish racers.

Ork Vehicles We’ve Seen

speed freeks buggy

Kustom Boomblasta


Shockjump Dragsta

speed freek nova 2 Behind the Scenes Q&A Reveals From GW's Latest Preview

Warboss on Bike or possibly trike?



boomdakka snazzwagon

Boomdakka Snazzwagon


With Speed Freeks basically revealed (we still have to see the points and rules), it looks like some of the rumors may be coming to pass. Orks are getting a whole slew of new models in a short amount of time and it’s in a box set nonetheless.

Yet Another Vehicle on the Way?

ork vehicle black What Is It? New 40k Ork Vehicle Spotted

This was previewed the other day and we can’t tell if it’s something we’ve seen before or not. GW did give us a little hint with three possible answers…

ork guess

Here are our three choices. Going off of the answers, there are two realistic options. It’s either a high-speed landmine delivery system..or ALL OF THE ABOVE. 

That’s right! Don’t put it past an Ork to have a Squig-based Food delivery landmine system on wheels. They do whatever their Waaghy! hearts desire.

Is it the Boomdakka Snazzwagon?

boomdakka snazzwagon

If we had to pick from a vehicle we’ve already seen, our guess is the Boomdakka Snazzwagon. The unfortunate thing is that we can’t see the other side of the vehicles to match them up perfectly.

But if you look at the top of both vehicles, you can see a definite Ork outline holding something. Could it be the Ork holding a Molotov? Maybe it’s an alternate model/loadout for the Sanazzwagon. Your guess is as good as ours.

Old Models Getting Updated?

32 mm orks

It may not be the update you’re thinking, but by the looks of the picture, Orks are getting 32mm bases. It’s not been confirmed, but this picture might be a glimpse into the future of Ork armies. If you know an Ork player, he’s probably got about 200 Boyz that are all on 25mm bases. You can probably hear the groans of Ork players finding out that Orks coming on 32mm is a real possibility now.

We also saw 32mm bases on the Lootas for Kill Team as well, so this may not be a question of if, but when?

RUMORS: New 8th Edition Ork Clan Tactics Revealed

As for the CLan tactics, nothing has really changed. We’re still waiting to see just how accurate these rumors are!

Goff Clan


Goff: Each hit roll of a 6 generates an extra attack in combat.

Not bad when you spam Boyz and Ghazghkull. With each Boy getting four attacks a piece, you’ll be generating a hefty amount of attacks.

Bad Moons

bad moons

Bad Moons: Reroll hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase.

Obviously, you can see that the synergy with this clan isn’t choppa/slugga Boyz. This Clan rule is something you’d use in a Dakka list.

Evil Sunz

evil sunz

Evil Suns: Add 1″ to movement, advance, and charge rolls. Also doesn’t suffer -1 to hit penalties after advancing and firing assault weapons.

You’d more than likely see this in a “shock and awe” type list. One that is fast moving and relentless in shooting and in combat.

Deff Skullz

deff skullz

Deff Skulls: Units have a 6+ Invulnerable save. In addition, each unit can reroll a single hit, wound, or a damage die each time it shoots or fights.

a 6+ invulnerable may not seem like a lot at first but it essentially makes sure every single model ALWAYS has a save no matter what. When you’re taking 150+ Boyz, you’re bound to make some saves. Assault Cannons are usually scary to Ork plays because they can shred through their lines. This will help alleviate that.

If you’re taking the low-shot count model with high damage, the ability to reroll a certain die each turn also maximizes your value potential.



Freebooters: Freebooters get +1 to hit if a friendly Freebooters unit destroys an enemy unit.

We aren’t sure if this would stack or not. But if it is a stackable rule, we will be seeing Orks hitting on 2’s in the tail end of games.



Snakebites: Orks have a 6+++ Feel No Pain. This is probably a bit more powerful than the army-wide 6++ invulnerable save. You can always take a Big Mek with a Kustom Forcefield to give you a 5++ save. a 6+++ FNP with a Painboy and the Snakebites Clan rule will just be added tankiness.

Blood Axes

blood axes

Blood Axes: Units can fall back and charge in the same turn. They also always count as being in cover.

This is another clan that’s extremely melee-centric. Not many units in 40k have the ability to fall back and charge in the same turn and now just about any unit in this Ork clan can do it. Powerful to say the least.

Orktober is only going to get sweeter as we move closer to the codex. What do you think about the information we’ve seen on Orks so far? When are we going to see Gazghkull? Would you like to see Boyz on 32mm’s instead of 25mms?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.