Painting Outside The Box With A Secret Weapon

kenny painting outside the box (1)

Follow me down the rabbit hole with our man Kenny at Next level Painting as he shows us how to use the 15 NEW paints from Secret Weapon Miniatures

Today Kenny is throwing down a fresh tutorial featuring the 15 new paints for Secret Weapon Miniatures. Come take a look at this awesome how to tutorial on how fly this Chaos base form Elrik’s Hobbies can be.

Kenny Pirate


Here Kenny is using Purple Heat over Verdigris Blue almost as a heavy wash. Fusing the the two into a sick twisted Chaos concoction, an awesome way to make some color variations.

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Time To lay down some biue on top of the mix to create some sweet OSL (Object Source Lighting) by blending some lighter blue into this Elrik’s Hobbies Chaos base.

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Now Kenny is going to show us some of his Ancient Technics for weathering. You don’t have to be a scientist. The Fresh Oil paint makes it secretly easy when you follow this tutorial.
kenny painting outside the box (2)Watch your step player, wouldn’t want to get that on you shoe. That Fresh oil is perfect to create some awesome wash effects for that Heresy. With all these techniques Kenny was able to capture the demonic comic book theme he was going for. Make sure to head on over and check out Elrik’s Hobbies, Secret Weapon Miniatures, and D’ Artisan Shoppe.

Check out the whole video here for all the intricacies of the process!