Painted Showcase Pre-Heresy Styled Terminators

Well my Iron Hands Terminators got some paint on them recently and are looking pretty good! I can’t wait to get these guys on the tabletop!

I started with my Pre-Heresy styled models and converted them up a little after I wrote that article,  before adding paint.

Remember me?
I has paint now!

The heads I added were the new Grey Knight Paladin ones, and I really think I made the whole model pop.

For me when I check out a model, the first thing I tend to look at is the head, so that has to be right for me to get into the rest of the model itself.  Here I think I captured that old styling, with a bit of new flair which these models definitively needed.

Then I changed up the shoulder pads from the Dreadnought Leg Plates to some of the new Furioso Shields.  I think they really worked for the styling.

Originally I wanted to use a different storm shield, but by the time I got around to all those other conversions, I just went with the regular one after all.

Overall I have 15 new Terminator Models, ten with Thunder Hammers and Five with Lightning Claws.  Of course it will be luck that the new 6th Edition rules favor claws somehow, and I’ll have to make more lol, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I’m saving how they were painted for another fun post, but if you have questions in the meantime, just ask!

I guess I need something to drive these guys around in now. More on that soon! -MBG

Conversions? We do sell bits for less! Over at the Spikey Bits Online Storeall bits are 20% OFF.  Just type the code Bits20OFF in the promotion code field when you check out and BAM! bits on the cheap!