Painting a Death Guard Knight: eBay Miniature Rescue

ebay miniature rescues knight shieldeBay Miniature Rescues is back again with another video tutorial, and this time he’s painting a Death Guard Knight with some custom parts!

eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that shows you how to take beat-up, damaged minis, and restore them to their fullest potential! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube and it’s super fun to watch what Casey is able to do with some once hopeless miniatures. Be sure to check out all his stuff here!

This week, he’s not really saving an old mini, but making some progress on his Death Guard army. He’s printed some really cool bits and today is going to be working on the shield and the shoulder pad! If you’ve been wondering how to tackle yours, this is a great place to start! He also got to be a judge at the RAGE so that’s really cool! 

Painting a Death Guard Knight: eBay Miniature Rescue

painting a Death Guard KnightThis is going to be the mini he’s painting up today, but he’s only going to be tackling the shield and shoulder pad, so be sure to stay tuned for the entire thing! He started by spraying both parts with a brown primer through the airbrush to better work with the color scheme.


ChippingHe starts by going over everything with a chipping medium to get the battle-worn look. Then he sprays everything with Ivory. Once that’s dry, he hits everything with a toothbrush and water to actually chip away the medium.

Painting the Chevrons

painting a Death Guard Knight 2Next, he masks off all the areas he wants to have chevrons. He follows that up with Yellow and Browns in the shadows. Once that’s dry, he takes a hobby knife and removes all the tape.

Painting the Metal & Weathering

painting a Death Guard Knight 3First, he paints everything he wants to be metal black, then hits it with very dark metal. Next, he comes back with brown enamel over most of the pad and lets it sit for 15 minutes. After that take mineral spirits and take some of it off, until you’re happy with the dark streaks on the mini.

This is more of a feel thing, so keep going until you’re happy. While that is still wet, he then comes back and dabs on rust wash. To finish off the patina, once everything is dry, he dry brushes on some grey to really finish the look off.

Finishing off the Shield

painting a Death Guard Knight 4He does the same steps he did on the shoulder pad, but he is a little more careful to pay attention to the shadows as it is so big. To finish it off and give it a pop of color, he starts by spraying a pink into the eyes of the skull. To give it a glow, he sprays some white inks into the center of each eye.

Lastly, he sprays some Green Ink, a little Purple, and Brown ink and sprays them around the area to really make them pop.

Finished Pieces

painting a Death Guard Knight 5Overall, he didn’t have to spend too much time on this and the pieces turned out awesome!

Follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!

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