Painting Battle Ready Space Wolves: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

painting Space WolvesPainting Space Wolves doesn’t have to be hard; learn how with this fast how-to-paint tutorial from Hellfire Hobbies!

If you’re planning on going with the wolfy boys of the far future, you need to get good at painting blue, and this painting tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle! Just keep in mind this is for a battle-ready standard, so not the highest quality ever, but if you want to field a painted army fast, this is a great tutorial!

Let’s see how to do it.

Painting Battle Ready Space Wolves: How to Paint Tutorial

painting Space Wolves 2He’s going to do this quick paint job without an airbrush, so pretty much any painter can do it! He sprayed the model with Wolf Grey Basecoat primer from the Army Painter.

Step 1:

painting Space Wolves 3He starts by base coating all the metallics with silver, you want this to be opaque, and one coat from Leadbelcher should be enough. There is a lot of silver, so be sure to hit every part here, as it’s easier now than later. Next, he hits the hair and pouches with brown.

To finish this step, he does Nuln Oil, just one thin coat over the entire model. To note here, this is where you would want to be painting more than one model as you have to let the paint dry before moving on, so if you were painting a whole squad, hopefully, by the time the last one is done, you could go back to your first model.

Step 2:

painting Space Wolves 4He starts with a base coat of Skrag brown for the shoulder plates. While he waits to finish the yellow on that, he moves to the face and just does a quick basecoat with brown. He then highlights the face with Kislev Flesh, nothing too crazy as this is meant to be fast.

Going back to the shoulder pads, he starts highlighting from the top down with Zamesi Desert. He likes to layer it on from the top down.

Step 3:

painting Space Wolves 5Next, he starts by painting some small details with Dark Reaper on things like the vents and stongs on the top of the crest. He then goes with Morghast Brown for the other details and Mephiston Red to paint the little markers on the shoulder and knee pads.

Lastly, he takes Agrax Earthshade and does that on the face and the yellow. The last thing to do is either paint the base or transfer him to an already finished base!

Finished Model:

painting Space Wolves 6That’s literally it! It’s fast and gives you a good-looking force ready for the tabletop. You can knock out a whole army of these guys in no time with this quick and easy paint job!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the insights!

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link.

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