Painting Bloody Bandages For Miniatures: How-To Tutorial

Painting Bloody Bandages For MiniaturesCol Festus is here with a new how-to tutorial series; this time, we’re painting bloody bandages for miniatures- check it out!

Col Festus has some unique hobby content, and if you need some sweet painting tips, you should follow him to get up on all your painting and conversion techniques! He also paints up a ton of Makers Cult files, which are always fantastic, and you can score yours here!

This time, he shows how to paint up some of the DKoK alternatives and really show off those battle wounds!

Painting Bloody Bandages For Miniatures: Col Festus How-To Tutorial

Painting Bloody Bandages For Miniatures 2He will start with a painted model, and if you want to see how to get to this stage, you can check that out here! Before we get started, here’s a quick list of the paints used:

Special Sauce Brown Wash Recipe

Step 1:

Painting Bloody Bandages For Miniatures 3He starts with the Deck Tan and covers all of the bandages; this is a basecoat, so make sure you get good coverage. He washes it with the Secret Brown Sauce (recipe above) and quickly washes over all the bandages to add some depth.

Step 2:

Painting Bloody Bandages For Miniatures 5He lets the wash completely dry and then returns with the tan and hits some quick highlights. Now the bandages are done, and it’s time for the fun part. He takes the Slaughter Red and boxes in the outline of the area of blood he wants.

Step 3:

Painting Bloody Bandages For Miniatures 6Now, take the Slaughter Red and mix in a small amount of black to the mix. Then, box in the same area as before, leaving the furthest edges just red. Take your black and add it to just the inner areas to show the coagulated blood. To finish off the effect, he takes a brush with a tiny bit of water and rubs it around the outermost areas to blend it in and feather the blood out slightly.

Finished Model:

Painting Bloody Bandages For Miniatures 7With that, the bandages are done, and you have a pretty striking effect! Be sure to check out the video below for all the details!

Follow Col Festus on YouTube Here!

Will you try to paint up any of the Makers Cult Valour Corps miniatures using this painting tutorial? 

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