Painting Dark Angels Space Marines: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Painting Dark Angels FastPainting Dark Angels Space Marines doesn’t have to be hard- check out how to get your minis on the table fast and looking good in this tutorial.

If you plan on going with the First Legion of the far future, you must get good at painting green! This painting tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle. Just keep in mind this is for a battle-ready standard, so not the highest quality ever, but if you want to field a painted army fast, this is a great tutorial.

Let’s see how to do it.

Painting Dark Angels Space Marines: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Painting Dark Angels Fast 2He starts by priming the whole model black; just keep in mind he will use an airbrush for this, but you could always just do the steps with a brush or spray primer.

The airbrush just makes it that much faster.

Step 1:

Painting Dark Angels Fast 3He loads up Caliban Green into his airbrush and sprays all the armor; just be sure to get good coverage here and get everything covered. Next, he loads Warpstone Glow into the airbrush and uses this as a top-down highlight.

Once dry, he goes back and does a Nuln Oil Wash all over the armor, bringing out the dark green and making the recesses pop. Once that’s dry, he returns and does another light highlight with the Warpstone Glow.

Step 2:

Painting Dark Angels Fast 4Next up, he starts blocking in the rest of the colors, starting with silver for all the metal areas. For the leather, he uses Rhinox Hide and Doombull Brown for all the pouches; these will also be the colors he uses for the bases so that they will tie them all together.

For all the joints, he uses Incubi Darkness, as it has some green tones inside it. Then, he does Nuln Oil wash over all the colors he just did, but not the armor again. He uses red for the seals, eyes, and gun, and with that, all the base colors are blocked in.

Since this is speed painting, you’re almost done!

Step 3:

Painting Dark Angels Fast 7For the base, he airbrushes with Rhinox as the base coat and does a highlight with Doombull. Then, he drybrushes it with something a little orange. This time he uses Tau Light Ochre. To finish the base off, he washes the whole thing with Nuln Oil and paints the rim!

Finished Model:

Painting Dark Angels Fast 6There you have it, a super fast method to get your models on the table quickly and looking good!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the insights!

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link.

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