Painting Death Guard Armor Pre-Heresy White

Contagion Feature rPainting Death Guard armor like this will give you an amazing sickly white look. Perfect for a follower of Nurgle!

Welcome back hobby maniacs! Today Kenny Boucher is here to walk us through how to paint your Lord of Contagion’s armor to the Next Level!

With the release of the new Death Guard codex, we wanted to look back at this awesome tutorial from Kenny.  This video is all about how he goes about recreating the classic Death Guard color scheme! This is also just part one of a multipart series and this volume focuses on the armor, but if you want to take it all the way, be sure to go check out his Youtube page for all the details!

Let’s see how he does it!

Painting Death Guard Armor Pre-Heresy White

Unprimed Lord of ContagionEven though this mini was released in 8th, it’s still amazing! Let’s see how he takes it from unprimed to the next level.


Orange BaseAmazingly, Kenny starts out painting a white model by laying down a bright Orange Rust base layer through the airbrush! This will ensure that the parts of the white armor that show through will have a rough and worn look.

Highlighting in the Airbrush

White HighlightAfter that base coat is dry Kenny starts by mixing a layer of Orange Rust and Weathered White from Secret Weapon in the airbrush. Using this off-white combination he slowly highlights the armor of the model. Eventually mixing it all the way down and doing a final highlight layer of pure Weathered White.

Wash Stage

WashAfter hitting the model with a quick Gloss Varnish layer, Kenny mixes up a combination of the Dark Tone, Light Tone, and Soft Tone washes from Army Painter. Thinning this mixture down a little bit using some mixing medium he liberally applies it to the model. This gives the armor a nice dirty look while preserving the white highlights and accentuating the recesses and panel lines of the figure.

Final Armor Highlights

EdgingOnce the wash layer is dry it is time to edge the armor to give it a bright eye-popping color! By carefully applying a watered down layer of Weathered White to the edges of the panels Kenny makes the armor stand out! Just hit some good edge highlights here and take your time.

Finished Armor

Finished Lord of ContagionWith that, the armor looks amazing! Be sure to check out his youtube to see how he finishes off the mini!

Sticker Swag heretic

If you liked this tutorial, you can also support Kenny on his Patreon page, and stock up on all the great Chaos gear over on his Heretic Swag store. Or see what other tutorials he has here.

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