Learning to paint energy shields doesn’t have to be hard when the artists at Deadly Print Studio show you how to do it!
Deadly Print Studio has some of the coolest FXs for all kinds of minis out there, which you can grab here.
Today we’ll be talking about how to actually paint up their awesome energy shields that can be used for a bunch of Tau and other sci-fi minis.
Let’s jump into their latest tutorial!
Painting Energy Shields: Deadly Print Studios
- Vallejo Sky Blue 70.961 // Vallejo Blue Green 70.808 // Vallejo Prusian Blue 70.965
- Vallejo Bloody red 72.010 // Vallejo Moon Yellow 72.005 // Vallejo Black and White
- Citadel: Shade Drakenhof Nightshade and Ardcoat.
I use 3 main tools:
- Makeup brushes of different sizes for dry brushing
- One size 2 Winsor & Newton Series7
- Airbrush.
Painting the Effects
1 – Add the darkest blue to the border with the airbrush or thin layers.
2 – Paint with red the explosion, and diffuse it a bit in the shield. Don’t forget to paint the rear part!
3 – Dry brush borders and really subtly here on all the surfaces with Blue Green. Try to do a heavier drybrush all the borders
4 – Add Sky Blue to the Blue-Green and start dry brushing the edges but more subtle this time.
5 – Start adding black to the red. Drybrush the explosion tails from pure red to pure black.
6 – Then add yellow to the red and paint the core of the 3 explosions. From red to orange and use yellow only in a few core spots.
7 – Use pure Sky blue to paint the thunder lines close to the core of the explosions. You can use this blue to push the contrast of the borders of the shield
8 – Add white to the mix, to push more contrast.
9 – Varnish the entire model except for the explosions with Citadel Ardcoat.
10 – My final step was to add a few layers of Citadel dark blue shade to add contrast in certain areas.
And there you have it! Some super cool effects, that just looks amazing. Don’t forget, if you want to grab these amazing files, or bits, you can by clicking the link below.
Get Your Energy Sheilds Here!
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