Painting Force Weapons Fast: Galharen Tutorial

painting force weapons feature rWith so many in the army, painting force weapons fast is a must! Check out this awesome tutorial on how to get them done.

Galharen has some amazing Grey Knights content and if you play the army, you should follow him to get up on all your painting and conversion techniques!

With the new codex out it’s time to actually start painting your Grey Knights! Force weapons look so much cooler when they actually have some really cool effects, this tutorial gets you that effect without taking a ton of time or paints. Let’s get into the tutorial!

Painting Force Weapons Fast: Galharen Tutorial

painting force weapons feature 2One of the best parts about this tutorial is you only need three paints! Vallejo’s Black, White, and Green Stuff World’s Blue Ink. He does use an airbrush for this, but you could most likely follow the steps if you don’t have one yourself.

Step 1:

painting force weapons feature 3Start by basing everything with a black undercoat, you can either do this through the airbrush or just with a spray primer. Then, he masks off the blade just like the picture above.

painting force weapons feature 4Once you have that masked off, load some White into your airbrush and hit the top of the blade, and feathering it out towards the bottom. Then take your blue ink and feather that into the white from the bottom up.

Step 2:

painting force weapons feature 5Now, mask off the other side of the blade like the picture above.

painting force weapons feature 6Then highlight with the white first, but from the bottom up this time, and then with the blue from the top down.

Final Touches:

painting force weapons feature 7Now take your white with a paintbrush and just hit an edge highlight on the back of the blade and wherever you feel you want it. That simple and quick you have an awesome-looking force weapon!

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