Painting New Imperial Guard Cadians: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Painting Imperial Guard Cadians featureLearn how to paint your new Imperial Guard Cadians quickly with this awesome how-to tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase.

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and started making awesome YouTube tutorials! They also have a really cool Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out here!

This is quite the challenge, as Peachy will try to build and paint up the Cadia Stands Army box in 12 hours! Do you think he can do it? Well, we’ll find out soon enough! But it’s not just about the challenge; he also gives some great tips for painting up your box. Let’s check it out!

Painting New Imperial Guard Cadians: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Painting Imperial Guard CadiansTheir Patrons chose the color scheme of the 122nd Reg in a poll, so that’s the scheme he’ll be using, let’s see how to paint them up and if he can finish them in 12 hours! He also builds them this time, so a pretty insane challenge. 

Painting the Guardsmen

Painting Imperial Guard Cadians 2He would have just sprayed them Wolf Grey, but his spray wasn’t working, so he had to go back and brush them all with this. So, he was already put behind time. Once that’s all done, he goes back and blacks out all the areas he wants to be black with Black Legion.

Next up is blocking in all the silver with Iron Hands Steel; this takes quite some time when you’re doing it on this many minis! Then, he picks out all the gold details with Retributor Armour.

In the last step of this stage, he just hits all the left shoulder pads with Mephiston Red.

Painting Imperial Guard Cadians 3Now it’s time for the camo. He paints horizontal lines with Black Legion all over for the camo. He uses Bold Titanium White for the second color and paints the second line of camo around the Black Legion. Now it’s time to hit them with Nuln Oil! He basically does this over everything on the models. To give more distinction to the armor and the cloth, he edge highlights all the armor with Iron Hands Steel and chips some of the armor with it.

Painting Imperial Guard Cadians 4Now for the skin. He uses a few different colors for the models. He uses Rakarth Flesh, Bloodreaver Flesh, and Catachan Flesh around the squads. He uses Guilliman Flesh as a second tone for the skin.

For the bases, he uses Lunar Desert from AK and applies this to all the bases. He’ll finish off the bases later, but it’s time to move on to the Sentinel!

Painting the Sentinel

Painting Imperial Guard Cadians 5He starts by spraying them silver. Then, he coats the whole thing in Nuln Oil and gently drybrushes the entire thing with Iron Hands Steel. Next, he returns to the Wolf Grey and paints all the armor panels.

A quick trick here, though, don’t paint all the way to the edges; leave a little bit, and it will look excellent and weathered. For the rest of the base coats, he just follows the scheme from the Guardsmen. Once that’s all done, he does one more coat of Nuln Oil on the blue.

Finishing the Models Off

Painting Imperial Guard Cadians 7He applies Battle Ashes from AK all over the texture paint from before and finishes the bases off by painting the rim of the bases with Steel Legion Drab. He goes back here and highlights the skin with its original colors. To finish off, he pops on some decals and is good to go!

Finished Models

Painting Imperial Guard Cadians 6He didn’t quite make the 12-hour time limit but still did great, and the whole box is done! So, if you need to go fast, this might be the way.

Be sure to check out the video below for all the details!

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