Painting the Imperial Vindilorian: The Army Painter Tutorial

Vindalorian Feature rToday The Army Painter walks us through painting the Imperial Vindilorian from Wargames Exclusive! Check it out.

The Army Painter is known for having some of the best and most affordable paints on the market! But they also have an extensive collection of tutorials and paint guides. Their tutorials are perfect for learning how to get your minis on the table. If you want to see everything The Army Painter has going on, check it out here.

Today they are walking us through a really cool mini! If you’ve been loving the Mandalorian, you need to pick up this mini from Wargames Exclusive. It can be used as so many stand-ins for a bunch of armies. Just as a note, all the paints used in this video will be from them, which you can pick up all the colors here. Let’s see how to do it!

Painting the Imperial Vindilorian: The Army Painter Tutorial

VindalorianHere’s the mini we’re going to be painting up today! Let’s see how to make it awesome.

Painting the Cape

Vindalorian capeStart with Skeleton Bone Primer and get a good base coat on the entire mini. Then give the cape two thin base coats with Oak Brown. Once the cape is based, mix in a little Crusted Sore with the Brown and stipple the cape to give it a little texture and a reddish-brown color. Once dry, give it a quick wash with the Quickshade Strong Tone. Again, let that dry before moving on. He then goes back over it with the same brown and Crusted sore from above and give a quick highlight to all the edges and folds of the cape.

To finish off the highlighting, start with just the Crusted Sore and hit just the most raised areas with it. For the final highlight, use Grimoire Purple and do a very conservative highlight of the most raised areas.

Painting the Body & Straps

Vindalorian bodyStart with Cultist Robe and base coat all the clothing. Then hit it with Quickshade Dark Tone in a single coat to bring out the detail. Once dry go back with the Cultist Robe and hit a quick highlight. Next, is another thinned down highlight with Filthy Cape, just hit the most raised edges. And then come back with a non-thinned down highlight of the same color. To add some of the little detail, take Daemonic Yellow and hit the tips of the fingers and the lens on top.

StrapsHit all the straps and such with Dirt Spatter, basically anything you want to be leathery brown. He then washes those areas with Quickshade Dark Tone, just a nice coat here and nothing fancy. Allow this time to dry and then hit it with Dirt Spatter again to add some texture and bring out the wash colors. To finish it, hit it with a quick highlight of Fur Brown followed by an even smaller highlight with Tanned Flesh.

Painting the Armor & Base

Vindalorian baseMix together Skeleton Bone and White Dragon Metallic and add a very thin light base coat to the armor. Next, he takes Azure Magic Metallic and adds it to the top of the left shoulder pad. Now, take Gemstone Metallic and hit all the areas you want to be red, use a Mandalorian picture for reference here. For the base, he simply paints Desert Yellow on the whole thing. Once dry hit all the areas you just base coated and wash them with the Quickshade Strong Tone. To finish off the base he hits it with a dry brush of Skeleton Bone.

Vindalorian armorGo back with the Gemstone Metallic and hit a small highlight on all the red areas. To finish the highlight on the white, use the White Dragon Metallic and hit a quick highlight.

Painting the Guns and Helmet

Armor VindalorianStart with Night Scales Metallic and base coat the guns and the rebreather. Next, take Matte Black and paint it in the visor. Then use Gun Metal and base coat the areas of the weapon you want silver. Now take Plate Mail Metal and paint the remainder of the helmet with it. Once that is all dry he hits everything just painted with a wash of Quickshade Dark ToneAgain, let this dry, and then do a quick drybrush of the silver with Plate Mail Metal. To finish this stage off, hit the helmet with a highlight of Shining Silver.

Painting the Imperial Vindilorian: Finished Mini

Finished VindalorianThere you have it! A great looking mini without too much hassle.

Be sure to follow The Army Painter on Youtube for more great content like this.

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