Painting Urban Bases For Miniatures & Dioramas Tutorial

urban bases paintingPainting urban bases don’t have to be hard; learn how with this fast how-to-paint tutorial from Hellfire Hobbies!

If you’re looking for an easy way to paint your Warhammer 40k bases but don’t want to spend too much time on them, this tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle!

Let’s see how to do it.

Painting Urban Bases: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

urban bases painting 2He starts by priming all the bases black; nothing too crazy here. Now, let’s check out the other steps.

Step 1:

urban bases painting 3First, he takes a gray through the airbrush and hits a quick coat. Leave some of the black showing through here, as you don’t want it to be too uniform. Next, he puts brown in the airbrush and just sprays on some random patches, it should look organic, so if you make it too uniform, it will look odd in the end.

However, he does focus more on the recesses than the raised areas for the brown. To finish this step off, he loads up Skrag Brown and does a smaller highlighting of the brown areas.

Step 2:

urban bases painting 4Next, take Mechanicus Grey with a big dry brush and brush the heck out the bases! You want to hit all the raised edges across the entire base. You do not want this to be streaky, so if you’re getting streaks, go with a different brush.

Step 3:

urban bases painting 5Keep the brush you were using before, and don’t clean it! If you clean it, it will be too wet to drybrush, and this will actually mix the colors for you a little naturally. Now, he goes to a lighter gray and does a much smaller highlight than before. He still wants to drybrush, just with much less paint and lighter this time.

The final step is painting the edge! He just paints them pure black, and you’re good to go!

There you have it, a super fast way to batch paint your bases and have them look really good on the tabletop.

Go Follow Hellfire Hobbies Here!

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