Painting Valour Korps Infantry From The Makers Cult: Col Festus Tutorial

Painting Valour Korps InfantryCol Festus is here with one of his first painting tutorials showing us how to paint the Valour Korps Infantry from the Makers Cult!

Col Festus has some unique hobby content, and if you need some sweet painting tips, you should follow him to get up on all your painting and conversion techniques! He also paints up a ton of Makers Cult files, which are always fantastic, and you can score yours here!

This time, he shows how to paint up some of the DKoK alternatives Makers Cult has available. Let’s see how to do it!

Painting Valour Korps Infantry From The Makers Cult: Col Festus Tutorial

Painting Valour Korps Infantry 2Before we get into how actually to paint the model, here’s the paint list he used:

Special Sauce Black Wash Recipe

Special Sauce Brown Wash Recipe

Paint List:

Step 1:

Painting Valour Korps Infantry 3He starts with a gray undercoat through the airbrush and then hits the whole thing with the French Blue just to give it a nice blue feel. Once dry, he starts blocking in the base coats. First, he paints all the cloth areas with Warm Grey. Next, he hits all the black areas with a mix of Army Painter Dark Wood and Grim Black.

For all the silver, he uses Metal Color Duraluminum and tries to keep this as clean as possible. He uses the Model Air Steel for the lighter areas, such as the tubes.

Step 2:

Painting Valour Korps Infantry 4With the model all base coated, he hits the model with his Special Sauce Black Wash Recipe and hits everything on the model that is a gray tone (everything other than the light tan stuff, basically). For the lighter tan areas, he hits them all with the Special Sauce Brown Wash Recipe.

Since he already has the brown mix out, he decides to go ahead and hit the base with it as well. He does a quick base coat with the 3rd Gen Grey Brown and washes it with the same brown mixture from above.

How To Paint Valour Corps Makers Cult Step 3:

Painting Valour Korps Infantry 7Once that’s all dry, he moves on to highlights. Starting with the Warm Grey and highlighting all the lighter tan areas (but not the wrappings on the bottom). For the armor and weapons, he uses Model Air Steel, gives them some battle damage scratches all over, and highlights the steel with it.

This can take a while, so just be patient here. Next, he uses the 3rd Gen Grey Brown to add a little pop to the dark leather areas. To help define the cloak, he does some highlights with the French Blue.

Step 4:

Painting Valour Korps Infantry 8With the coat done, he hits the buttons with Monument Hobbies Copper in a single coat. He does a base coat with the Monument Blue Black for the eyes and hits the inside of the lenses once dry with the Monument Faded Ultramarine. To finish off the eyes, he paints the smallest parts of the eyes with some white added to the Faded Ultramarines.

He will finish the model off by adding some fade to the coat with Liquitex Raw Umber Ink just at the bottom of the coat; just be sure to keep it off the base. Lastly, he does do a gloss varnish on the entire model.

Finished Model

Painting Valour Korps Infantry 6There you have it, a great-looking model that didn’t take much effort! If you want to paint up the same model, you can get the Makers Cult stuff here!

Be sure to check out the video below for all the tips!

Follow Col Festus on YouTube Here!

Will you try to paint up any of the Makers Cult Valour Corps miniatures using this painting tutorial? 

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