Painting Your Army in a Month – IDIC Style!

Dark-eldar-hor wal

Come see Nick’s big one month Army Painting Challenge and the color scheme that is going to get him across the finish line !

Nick speaking from IDICBeer, I have been collecting a brand new Dark Eldar army over the last few months as part of a Challenge. I managed to get over 2k points thanks to some very good eBay purchases and to some very generous friends of mine, to which I am very grateful. It’s been a lot of fun getting it together, but now, the real hard work begins! To paint the entire force in one month!

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Yes that’s right, I want to complete this challenge with another challenge of my own. Getting the army table top ready in four weeks! I don’t own an air brush and usually put every effort I can into painting to a high standard, like my 13th Company Space wolves, they get about twelve hours a model…



The aim for the Dark Eldar though, is to have a quick and easy paint scheme that will look good on the table and let me speed paint the army! This is my first test model, all painted with Troll Slayer Orange!

First I dry brushed over a black primer, then I painted the armour plates, and finally I washed it all with an orange wash. This will be my base for the whole army.

Once done, I plan on going in with a bone colour on the weapons and pick out some of the details like the skin and hair.

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Even with this easy paint scheme there will be a lot of work to undertake, but it’s going to be a lot of fun. If you fancy following my journey I plan on documenting the progress with daily updates over on my YouTube Channel as part of the WarbossTae Painting Challenge. This is going to be epic!

Let the challenge commence!

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