Pass The Time With Board Games: 40k Monopoly

Don't Go Bankrupt: 40k Monopoly Board Game ReviewIf you were excited about Risk getting the 40k treatment, don’t forget there are other licensed board games out there too like Monopoly!

In the grim dark future, there is only… Monopoly? Come and take a look at a Warhammer twist on the classic game that’s been causing family feuds for years. Check out how these two games merged into one.

Warhammer 40k Monopoly Board Game

40k Monoply Spread

  • Take the infinite war to new levels in Monopoly Warhammer 40,000
  • Play as one of six iconic metal tokens representing key factions
  • Make your way around the board buying, selling and trading properties from the 41st Millennium
  • Includes custom tokens featuring Eldar Rune, Ork Choppa, Chaos Star, Space Marine Helmet, Necron Monolith, and Tyranid Ripper
  • 2-6 Players | Ages 13+ | 60+ Min Play Time

monopoly boardgame 2If you’re stuck inside while we wait out the crises, this might be the perfect game for your family to dip their toe into the 40k universe the GW community loves so much. Who knows, they may start looking into the factions on the tabletop and start ordering a few kits!

monopoly boardgameHere, we get a look at all the properties in the new edition, and of course, as you would expect it’s not cheap to live on Holy Terra. The amount of 40k depth thrown into these territories is amazing. From Craftworld Webways being equivalent to Railroads, Outposts to houses, and Fortifications to Hotels, this is something both board game players and 40k fans will love.

The Game Tokens

monopoly boardgame 3These new tokens are great and represent a whole span of factions in the 40k universe. You get a Ripper Swarm (which might totally be usable on the tabletop), a Chaos star, an Eldar rune, Necron Monolith, Ork Choppa, and a Space Marine helmet to move around the board with.

Monopoly boardRob brings you the 19″x 19″ board layout in two parts just to keep all the details in the frame. Overall, it’s a pretty neat design as Monopoly kept the classic “GO TO JAIL” and “PASS GO” tiles exactly the same. Meanwhile, you’ve got territories like Holy Terra and Titan that you could land on.

If you love the classic game, and wouldn’t mind playing it again with a grimdark twist, this edition may be just what the hobby doctor ordered! Check out a deeper look into the game with Rob below:

Do you have 40k Monopoly already? How does it feel compared to the regular Monopoly? Which faction do you always play as? 

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