Perfect For 40k: New Kromlech Seraphim Knights Bits

Seraphim Knights feature rIt’s time to upgrade your space vampires with the new Seraphim Knights bits from Kromlech- check out what is hitting shelves!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis and bits on the market! If you haven’t checked them out before, they are definitely worth looking into. This time though, we’ll be focusing on a bunch of their new bits that work perfectly with a certain Space Marine faction. If you aren’t in the market for grimdark bits, you should check out their Hospodar minis

They have tons of bits that are perfect for 40k, so we’ll cover most of the range, but if you want to see everything they have to offer, be sure to check out everything on their site. But why are we still talking? Let’s jump into the new stuff!

Seraphim Knights Prime Bodies: $17.99

Seraphim Knights bits


Seraphim Knights bits 2The bodies are awesome and will really make your army stand out on the tabletop or shelf. Just like with all their bits, you can build full minis from them, but most of the time it’s just fun to throw in some here and there. Let’s hear what they have to say about them:

This set contains five high-quality resin Seraphim Knights Prime Bodies. Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale wargaming. Please note that those models are bigger than regular Legionaries.

Seraphim Knights Helmet Heads: $9.58

Seraphim Knights bits 3Who doesn’t want some cooler heads for their army? These would really make your minis true warriors of the Grimdark!

This set contains 10 high-quality resin Seraphim Knights Helmet Heads. Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale heavily armored models.

Seraphim Knights Crimson Swords – Right: $10.79

Seraphim Knights bits 4They have these for both right and left sides, so don’t get worried if you want to go the other side.

  • This set contains 5 high-quality resin Seraphim Knights Crimson Swords with 5 corresponding right arms.
  • Designed to fit heavily armoured troopers in 28mm heroic scale. Great for representing heavy assault squads of Prime Legionaries.

Seraphim Knights Shoulder Pads: $9.58

Seraphim Knights bits 5Last but not least, you need some amazing shoulder pads to lift up your minis.

This set contains 10 high-quality resin Seraphim Knights Shoulder Pads.

That does it for this one, now stop staring and go grab some bits!

Get Your Bits Here!