Arch Battleknight Upgrade Bits: Pop Goes The Monkey

Arch Battleknight Upgrade Bits: Pop Goes The MonkeyPop Goes the Monkey recently made two sweet looking sets of Dreadknight upgrade kits. Grey knights recently got some love, so these may be for you!

Today Rob takes a look at the two Dreadknight designs from the folks at Pop Goes the Monkey.  Let’s check out what Rob thinks of the kits because with the recent updates to Grey Knights these may be for you!

Dreadknight Upgrade Bits: Pop Goes The Monkey

Pop Goes the MonkeyFirst up we get a *clear* look at the sprue for the “Antonis” Knight. They used the slightly transparent material to cast this which is fine, but you don’t get a really good look at the details unless you prime it.

There are also some unique conversion steps you need to take with this upgrade kit. All of those directions are on the Pop website, and Rob also briefly goes over them in his video below.

Let’s take a look at the pictures from the website to get a better taste of the details on this one.

Arch Knight Carlos:

CarlosThe kit Rob chose to put on his dreadknight is the “Carlos” variant. These are both designed by different artists and you can really tell. Each of them has their own style and flair. This one has that sweet tabard, and also has a much larger neck guard. The website was also so kind as to give us a mock paint set up on this one to help our imaginations even further. But, let’s get right into Rob’s assembly!

Pop Goes the MonkeyWith the upgrade kit, “Carlos” fully assembled and primed we really get to see all the detail in view! These designs ditch the marine inside for a more traditional looking mech and a fuller armor set. The armor is definitely thicker too, which might be a better representation for the punch these guys can pack on the tabletop!

Check out the video below for Rob’s full breakdown and thoughts on all these models! Be sure to watch the video below for Rob’s full breakdown! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.

Bits provided for promotion & review.