Pick Up Some Awesome Land Raider Conversion Bits From Elriks!

elriks hobbies land raider conversion bitsDeck any version of the  Land Raider out with some awesome-looking alternative conversion bits from Elrik’s Hobbies!

Elrik’s Hobbies covers your hobbying needs, ranging from resin model bases and terrain to paints and washes. In addition, they’ve got a wide selection of bits now that they own the Blood & Skulls Industry designs, making them almost a one-stop shop to upgrade and get your armies battle-ready!

Here is a look at some of their different upgrade bits options for the Imperial Land Raider! Be sure to check out the site for the whole range of upgrade bits designed for all sorts of different vehicles.

Sagittarius Conversion Kit w/ Krusher Tank Treads: $45

Sagittarius Conversion Kit w/ Krusher Tank Treads

The Sagittarius Conversion Kit allows a Games Workshop MKII Land Raider to be equipped with full wrap-around Krusher Tank Treads.

Land Raider Sagittarius Conversion Kit w/ Krusher Tank Treads 2


This kit consists of two road wheels frames, a new roof piece, a turret with cannon, and all the necassary tread links.

Omega Multi Weapon Sponsons: $17

Dual Weapon Sponsons- Gamma

The Gamma Dual Weapon Sponson set is a fully articulated multi piece kit featuring a pair of sponsons. This sponson set can use any Blood & Skulls Industry Light or Medium Weapon Sets.

Land Raider Dual Weapon Sponsons- Gamma 2

Also included are:

    • A rear mounted ammo box
    • A fuel tank
    • A reactor to cover all of your various weapon needs.

Each weapon mount is also pre-drilled for 1/8 inch diameter by 1/16 inch magnets. It is compatible with the Games Workshop MKIII Land Raider and Baneblade plastic models.

Oppressor Land Raider Proteus Tank Tread Packs: $21

Oppressor Land Raider Proteus Tank Tread Pack

The Oppressor Land Raider Proteus Tank Tread Pack comes with enough tread pieces to fit a Games Workshop Land Raider Proteus Tank.

This includes four 9-link sections, two 7-link sections, two 5-link sections, four 3-link sections and 6 loose links each 0.80 inch wide.

Land Raider Options

Elrik’s Hobbies has several other products to upgrade your Land Raider and plenty of other conversion bits for other armies! That does it for this one, so get some new bits!

Click Here to Get Your New Land Raider Upgrade Bits!

Art by Artists Empire for Elrik’s Hobbies.