More Pictures of the New Custodes Contemptor Surface!


Another picture of the fantastic new Legio Custodes Contemptor Dreadnought from Forge World have surfaced from the Warhammer 40k open!

30k guru Garro is on the floor at the Warhammer 40k open day, sharing the event with everyone:


Garro just dropped this new picture from the event. Make sure you follow him on his new Twitter account as well!


One last post for the open day, a back shot of the new custodes contemptor, also worth noting that their planning other wargear loadouts at a later date


Behold the fabled Custodes Contemptor Dreadnought. Personally I am hoping it turns out to be the “Sagittarius” we saw back in the day in the 40k CCG (pictured above).

custodes sagittarius contemptor dreadnought

Styled almost like Garro in some ways, this new Contemptor strides to battle with what appears to be a larger version of the Custode Sentinel blade (with inbuilt flamer) and storm shield!


This contemptor is looking very cool with its Garro-ish styling as well as having what looks to be a stormshield as well. Will this become a new fan favorite, we’ll know soon enough!

Don’t miss one second of this weekend’s 40k Open coverage below:


Warhammer 40k Open