Pincers At The Ready: Tyranids GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horWe’ve got a solid GW rumor engine that looks like a pincer from Tyranids, so get your thinking caps ready and dive in!

Warhammer Community just unveiled one more rumor engine and this time it looks like a pincer tail for a beast. Check out the details of this bit that look to be on the way for 40k or AoS.

Pincers At The Ready: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 3-09-21

This Pincer tail instantly jumps out as a Tyranid bit candidate. Technically speaking it could be some other insectoid thing in say AoS or on a base or something. But our money is on our favorite word eating swarm getting some love. So far each codex update for 9th edition 40k has gotten some model support alongside it, so hopefully, whenever it’s the ‘Nids turn, they won’t be different.

nid for engine

Xenos factions always need love, they get a fraction of the love that the loyalist and chaos get, and they have to represent an entire race, sometimes multiple. Assuming this bit is a new Tyranids model, placing it is hard, but currently there were only two models that jumped out with that type of tail. The Hive Tyrant and Mawloc. Seeing that the Tyrant has been a mainstay for years and years in Tyranid lists, it’s fair to assume GW has its eyes on it as a potential update candidate.

Anyway, hopefully, we know sooner than later!

What do you think this is? Do you think it could be for a wave of new Tyranid releases?

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