Pirates & Aliens? The Voice Behind our Podcast & Her Movie!

By Rob Baer | April 8th, 2013 | Categories: movie, Warhammer 40k News

If you’ve listened to our podcast, you may have wondered if the intro and bumpers we play were a real girl’s voice, or if we just got a computer to do it.

Truth is it’s a real girl and besides just sounding hot, well I’ll let you judge for yourself.

So you’re probably wondering what all this has to do with gaming, (and why we’re talking about girls yet again) well a lot actually.

You see gaming, sci-fi movies and books, etc. all share the same genre; Nerd. And it’s probably safe to say we’re all nerds here.

But what makes this particular nerd cool is the fact that she is in fact a girl, and she plays 40k, and she’s a movie producer (and also does voice work on the side).

Right now shes working on a Sci-Fi X-files kinda flick called Out There, and could use some of our help to make it a reality.

You see instead of filming in California she’s trying to do it the right way and film on location where the weird stuff tends to happen, the mountains of Colorado.

I think it’s a pretty cool concept (from the subject manner to the way she wants to present it), and I’m sure this project will interest a lot of you as well!

She just launched a Kickstarter to try to make this thing a reality, as she’s trying to do it her way without relying on cheap Hollywood tricks and stereotypes to make it work.

So checkout the face behind the voice, and what she’s working on below. -MBG

What happens when you have a movie made by an obsessive film fan who’s spent the last 7 years working in Hollywood? Well, that’s exactly what’s “Out There…” !
  It’s so easy to talk mess about Hollywood making the same movie over and over again, but actually changing the scene is it’s own reality. That’s why I decided to make Out There…

  I got so sick of seeing the big boob bimbo running away screaming, I decided it was time to put a knife in their hands and have them chase the aliens and monsters! Okay, so Vic and Jonet are anything but bimbos! I mean, just cause a girl looks good doesn’t make her a wuss or a damsel in distress! Vic and Jonet may be paranoid stoners, but when people start dying around them, they decide to fight back!

  Hollywood is really no different than your job, they want us all to conform, and fall in line with the corporation. The studios want you to see the movie you’ve already seen a thousand times, and keep paying them to do the same thing they’ve done before. Well, that’s just not how I roll. I wrote Out There… to be a movie that I want to see! I hired actors that I have been following for years, like Kimberly J. Brown, and Daeg Faerch. Lucky me, they want to see Out There… too!

  I wrote Out There… about Colorado, and I am determined to make this movie in the actual locations that were written into the film! It’s cool for me to be able to highlight some of the weird, paranormal stuff that is unique to Colorado. The only way to really do that is by keeping it authentic, and shooting the real locations in Colorado.

  I had to turn down doing this movie as a studio picture because they wanted to shoot California for Colorado. Our distribution may have thought I was nuts for turning down the start up cash, but they still want this movie when it’s made! So, I decided to launch a campaign and ask other like minded people to be a part of making this movie!

The cast, crew and I have come up with some AWESOME prizes to offer for your efforts! In fact, we are inviting you to watch the live stream of the premier, a chance to be IN THE MOVIE, and Kimberly J. Brown wants to have lunch with YOU!

We have 28 days to raise $200,000.00 and earn the opportunity to make this film in Colorado, with the amazing cast and crew I’ve got attached. Regardless of what you have in your pocket to pledge, we’ve got a bad ass prize for you and you will know YOU made this movie happen!

It’s time to see what’s Out There…!

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Twitter: @AngryPuppyPro