Are Sisters Even Popular Enough For New Plastics?

By James Rodriguez | October 4th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sister-walpaper lg

Is there really even enough demand to start production for plastic sisters? New rumors are making ask ourselves that very question as of late…

The recent cancellation of the Plastic Sisters of the Wolves Kickstarter has brought up a couple questions. Why was it cancelled? Did GW have anything to do with it? Is there just not enough demand for them right now? Or did it just not raise enough to cover the cost or production for Shieldwolf Miniatures?

The latest rumor, which was posted by one of our readers in the comments at the bottom of the article, suggests that Games Workshop may have had something to do with it.

This is a rumor, be sure to add plenty of  salt.

salt pile

Plastic Siters Rumor

Lord Fangio seems to be skeptical of the rumors that were told to him by a GW store manager that plastic Sisters are on their way , so take it as you will.

But lets be real here for a minute… is there really enough of a demand for plastic Sisters in the first place?

We saw a lot of popularity with the Sisters of Silence in the Burning of Prospero box.

Burning Prospero Sisters of Silence

And let’s not forget about the Eschers from the Necromunda teasers that will be released next month, in the Necromunda Starter set.

Necromunda Escher

So I would say it’s safe to say that Games Workshop has the technology to make plastic Sisters, given the miniature designs abov, including celestine. But, once again, is there enough demand to start production on a whole army of individual kits? Even Saint Celestine herself was only popular enough to be included in a Triumvirate box.

The most successful Sisters line we’ve seen lately has been from Raging Heroes and their sculpts look amazing! But still, they’re made out of resin, and not plastic… oh and NOT a whole army technically?

Sisters Box Raging Heroes

So, from the outside looking in, it seems that their is a lot of demand for plastic Sisters, but we have no idea what Games Workshop is seeing on their end. Is it too much of a risk to start production right now? Are plastic Sisters in their plans for the future? We can’t answer any of these for sure, all we can do is cross our fingers and hope to hear something from Games Workshop.

Additionally, Angelos from Shieldwolf Miniatures posted that they will be posting an update tomorrow on their Plastic Sisters of the Wolves Kickstarter. Make sure you check back in with us later this week for the latest update.

Shieldwolf Miniatures

What are your thoughts? Would you like to see Games Workshop start making plastic Sisters? Or is this just a fans dream that we will have to continue to get from other sources? We’d really like to hear what you have to say, drop us a line in the comments below.

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