Playing 30k in 40k – Now the Rules Say Yes?

Is 30k completely legal to play with 40k? Depending how you read these passages, it just may be the case?

Via The Spikey Bits Hobbies Page
Take a gander at these screen shots takes from the Legion Astartes Crusade Army List book (the small codex sized ones).
I’m not sure why we didn’t see this before, maybe it’s a new printing but checkout the language they used.
Via Troy Caduff on the Spikey Bits Hobbies Page
11428543_10206125037261154_7779499894497893506_n 11535918_10206125036421133_638592428000489896_n 1375845_10206125034581087_5985594318977015296_n

  • We could play with all our cool minis in 40k
  • Bigger Squads = More hobby time


  • Some Mechanics (Like the Ad Mech, and upgrades) don’t cross over well
  • 10 man squads all wielding heavy weapons can be a bit OP
  • Don’t have all the legions…. yet

Now it’s hard to say what the intent is here specifically, but the 40k fat kid in me wants to believe….
What say ye?