Is 30k completely legal to play with 40k? Depending how you read these passages, it just may be the case?
Via The Spikey Bits Hobbies Page
Take a gander at these screen shots takes from the Legion Astartes Crusade Army List book (the small codex sized ones).
I’m not sure why we didn’t see this before, maybe it’s a new printing but checkout the language they used.
Via Troy Caduff on the Spikey Bits Hobbies Page
- We could play with all our cool minis in 40k
- Bigger Squads = More hobby time
- Some Mechanics (Like the Ad Mech, and upgrades) don’t cross over well
- 10 man squads all wielding heavy weapons can be a bit OP
- Don’t have all the legions…. yet
Now it’s hard to say what the intent is here specifically, but the 40k fat kid in me wants to believe….
What say ye?