Poxwalkers Lore: Shambling For Papa Nurgle

poxwalkerNothing is quite as frightening as a group of Poxwalkers stumbling through gunfire to eventually smash you with Plague Weapons!

With Poxwalkers getting such a spot in the new combat patrol, we wanted to take a closer look at the role they play in the Death Guard army. Who doesn’t love Nurgle zombies in the Grimdark future? Well if you don’t maybe DG just isn’t for you! Get your best shamble on and let’s learn about some Poxwalker lore!

Shambling Madness

poxwalkersHave you ever seen a zombie movie? Well, that’s kind of what witnessing a horde of Poxwalkers shambling across the battlefield is like. No matter how many you shoot down, more seem to take their place. They aren’t quite so blessed by Nurgle to be true Daemons. They are simply the victims of the endless plagues spread by the Death Guard. Turned into unliving weapons to be thrown into the fight as simple fodder.

They are, or were when they were alive, afflicted by Nurgle’s Rot. This particular plague is so effective because it not only erodes the body but eventually the soul as well. Before too long, nothing is left of the original host but a plague-ridden body. A shadow of its former self.

Eternal Rot of Nurgle

PoxwalkerNurgle’s Rot is just one of the many diseases that can make Poxwalkers. The innards of the Death Guard are so strewn with plague that it’s hard to pinpoint what turned your entire world into Poxwalkers. But when everyone you know becomes a shambling zombie, does the actual plague matter? Not really…

Some of the plagues within them are still lingering from the Horus Heresy. What’s worse, some new-fangled disease or an ancient one? The answer, Poxwalkers don’t care. Despite what turned them this way, they all end up the same. They are servants of Nurgle who simply walk the earth with no real direction, other than what their Death Guard commanders tell them.

How the Transformation Happens

poxwalkerWhen some poor citizen of the Imperium finds themselves infected, no medicine will help. They eventually rot and decay until death finds them. But that is not the end of their story. Once they finally “die” they witness themselves reanimated into the horrific visage of a Poxwalker. Once they reanimate, they can’t stem the tide of the need for flesh. They are zombies who are somewhat aware, but unable to stop themselves. It truly is a terrible fate to be a Poxwalker, but hey, most things are in the realms of Chaos.

Well, at least you know how people become Poxwalkers. Now you’ll just have to learn how to beat hordes of them in your coming games!

Learn More About Poxwalker & DG Here!