Well I’m putting the finishing touches on my Ork Guard army and getting ready to to battle this weekend in the Cabin Fever ’10 GT. This event is put on by Rich Ditzler of Adventurers Guild Gaming in Harrisburg, PA. For those of you that don’t know Rich, he is both a great guy and a competent tourney player himself!
I last played in the event in 2005 and I was definitely impressed by it. So it’s good to finally be going back to the frozen tundra of Central Pennsylvania.
Check back here next week for bat reps galore!
My 1850 list for the event.
- Co Command Squad, Chimera 4x Melta Astropath
- Inquisitor Lord w/ Hood 2x Mystics 1x Hierophant
- Veteran Squad, Chimera 2 Plasma, 1 Lascannon
- Veteran Squad, Chimera 2 Plasma, 1 Lascannon
- Veteran Squad, Chimera 2 Plasma, 1 Lascannon
- Veteran Squad, Chimera 3 Melta Demolitions
- Veteran Squad, Chimera 2 Melta Flamer
- Vendetta
- Vendetta
- Hydra x2
- Maticore x2
That’s it. Lots of synergy, disruption and firepower. What do you think of the final list?