Pricing & Costs of the New Warhammer 40k OP Kits

Organized Play featureHere are the costs and pricing of the new Warhammer 40k Organized Play (OP) kit and running a tournament with them…

First, we want to say we think this is a good thing overall. Any support GW is willing to give to stores, we’re all about it! However, with stores watching margins so closely as of late (in summer, retail sales slow to a crawl), it could be hard for small stores actually to run a tournament.

We’ll break down the costs of the new Warhammer 40k Organized Play kit based on players and how many people would be needed to actually allow stores to give out extra prize support for players.

Pricing & Costs of Running an Organized Play GW Tournament


Let’s start with the overall cost of the kit and what stores get inside, as relayed from Games Workshop trade sales to their accounts in July 2022.

The OP Kit Bundle Contains:

  • 1x Poster
  • 1x Glass Trophy
  • 1x Managers postcard
  • 4x Certificates
  • 32x special decks of (16) secondary objectives.

The cost comes out to $80 USD and $99 CAD. Honestly not terrible overall, and it gives the stores a decent amount to give out without a huge initial investment. However, let’s look at the price per player depending on how many show up. 

  • $2.5 a person at 32 players
  • $5 a person at 16 players
  • $10 a person at 8 players

Here is how the kit compared to what Games  Workshop advertised recently on Warhammer Community:

Organized Play

All in all, there will be around ten Organised Play packs coming every year from 2023, stuffed with trophies and certificates for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, as well as Best Painted. They’ll also contain goodies for every player who participates, so you’ll take something home no matter how well your lore-accurate army performs in practice.

For the first time ever, Organised Play kits will also come with exclusive digital content available only to those who take part in the events – and we’ll have more information to share on that very soon. 

What’s more, attendees will even get the chance to snag an exclusive Golden Ticket to the prestigious Warhammer US Open 2022 Finale in New Mexico in November. This is an exclusive VIP pass to the culmination of the competitive gaming year, covering travel and accommodation, where you’ll battle it out with the best Warhammer players in the world at an incredible double-header – the Grand Tournament final and a Grand Narrative event.

So far, no word on that exclusive digital content they promised or the golden tickets from the stores solicited to purchase the first OP kits.

Are The Games Workshop OP Tournament Kits Worth It?

Organized Play 2Well, if you have a store big enough to run a 32-player tournament, then this is actually really awesome! As only $2.50 a player is super easy to roll into the price of the tournament and still have enough left to make some cash and give away more prizes.

The only thing bigger stores have to watch out for is if these kits have limited availability in the long run. This means they could really only run a couple of these throughout the year, but still, way better than the current nothing!

The issue comes in for smaller stores, as a lot of stores can’t really run a tournament with too many players. While $10 doesn’t seem like a lot when you consider things like paying someone to run the tournament and buying the kit, it basically makes giving additional prize support out of the question.

Players sometimes won’t pay a ton to play, but with only eight people, the price would have to be high if they want anything other than the above prizes. However, this may be very realistic with an entry fee of $20 or $25.

With stores watching their margins so closely right now, don’t expect smaller stores to be too excited about it.  As we said, though, this is definitely good for organized play. We do hope to hear more about the exclusive digital content GW promised or how the supposed golden tickets will work, though.

Are you excited about the organized play events coming back for Games Workshop and Warhammer?

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