Primarch Abaddon?? & Master of Executions Rules REVEALED

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How good is Abaddon now? Check out this primarch lite, and the Master of Executions makes his debut for Chaos. Don’t miss their new rules for Warhammer 40k!

Spotted on the Black Legion 40k Facebook page, we can take a look at the latest updates coming to Chaos. Looking at Abaddon and the Master of Executions, we can check out the Legion’s new headhunting potential.

Abaddon’s New Rulesheet

Though he’s not quite a resurrected primarch stat wise like Robbie G, Abaddon is still getting a couple of rules bumps along with his model.

abaddon guilliman comparison

He’s basically a Primarch LITE. With 8 wounds, the Warmaster rule that gives a bonus 2CP, and an additional -1 AP (total -4AP) on his melee Talon, he’ll be sitting just under the normal stats of what we’d expect from a Primarch. Make no mistake…he can definitely give Robbie G a run for his money.

Master of Executions Rulesheet

master of executions

The Master of Executions (or Moe for short) is going to have about the same base stats as a Chaos Lord. He’s definitely in the business of headhunting and with a WS 2+ and 5 Attacks base, he’ll be pretty good at his job.

His axe hits like a powerfist with no negatives to hit. Plus, there’s the chance of dishing out a few mortal wounds in the process! The Trophy-Taker rule lets you re-roll if you’re in melee with a character and the Warp-sighted Butcher ability allows him to heroically intervene up to 6″ towards an enemy character.

At only 4 power level, we’re guessing he’ll be around 80-100 points too. That’s not a bad price considering what you get! Just stick him in the thick of melee combat and let him shuffle his way up to a character.

What do you think about the two new rulesheets coming to the characters for the Chaos Legions? Will the Master of Executions be a real threat? Or will his lack of mobility keep him down? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.