Primaris Gravis Captain, Ancient, & Tau Darkstrider: Unboxing

By Rob Baer | February 14th, 2022 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

unboxing-and-build-sm-characters-darkstriderDon’t miss our unboxing of the Warhammer 40k Captain in Gravis Armor, Primaris Ancient, and Tau Darkstrider releases!

Rob is back unboxing the newest releases for the Space Marines and Tau. He’ll see what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, show the size of the models, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Captain Gravis Armor, Primaris Ancient, & Tau Darkstrider: Unboxing

Darkstrider Unboxing 2These are the three minis we’ll be looking at today. Even though no one really asked for new Marines, they are pretty cool minis, so at least there’s that!

Captain in Gravis Armor

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Captain in Gravis Armor 3


Captain in Gravis Armor 3He comes with 2 sprues and a 40mm base. There is definitely a lot of detail and seems to be pretty well done.

Captain in Gravis Armor 3The instructions are pretty straightforward, but there are quite a few small fiddly bits that could be annoying. However, there does look to be some room for magnetization with for the close combat weapons that well show you in a second.

Captain in Gravis Armor 8This mini is actually really sweet! There is a lot of detail and just a fun mini.

Captain in Gravis Armor 8


Captain in Gravis Armor 8


Captain in Gravis Armor 8


Captain in Gravis Armor 8It took Rob about 5 minutes to magnetize all three of the weapon options. He went to the  Magnet Baron for his supply because they are a good deal and always are high-quality. When you’re drilling, just be sure to drill directly into the arm so it doesn’t get all wonky. He used an N-52 strength 1/8 diameter x 1/16″ deep magnet for this if you want to go with the same one.

Primaris Ancient Unboxing

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Primaris AncientWe know this comes with two different standards, but let’s hope the arms are separate so we can magnetize. They both look pretty cool, however, and there are plenty of bits.

Primaris AncientThere are different arms, but they are holding it differently, so it’s not just one arm to magnetize. Because of that, magnetizing it would be really hard, so a little annoying.

Primaris Ancient


Primaris Ancient


Primaris Ancient 5Honestly, it looks really well done when put together. There is a lot going on with the belt, but shouldn’t be too bad. The banner is basically paint by number with all the raised edges, which is nice!

Tau Darkstrider

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Darkstrider Unboxing 4This was the only new mini for Tau this time around and there’s only one small sprue without a ton of options. Still, they did a great job with the detail.

Darkstrider Unboxing 4The wall bit is really close to the model, so we’ll see how that goes, but other than that, it seems really easy to build.

Darkstrider Unboxing 8


Darkstrider Unboxing 8


Darkstrider Unboxing 8The wall is really close as we thought it would be and Rob probably wouldn’t glue it down until you’ve painted the rest of the model. But overall, there is a lot going on with it being such a small dude!

Darkstrider Unboxing 8It’s also really tiny! When compared with the Ancient, he just looks like a baby. For the price, maybe converting it is the way to go instead of spending the $35 even though it looks cool.

Final Thoughts

Captain in Gravis Armor 9Overall, some really cool minis, but for $35 the Darkstrider is really tiny and probably a mini you could convert if you put a little effort into it.

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