More Primaris Repulsor Tank Pics Spotted

The Primaris Repulsor is a tank that Space Marine players are eagerly waiting to be released. Checkout even more pictures of the new tank!

The Primaris Repulsor Tank was not on the list of pre-orders this week, but we’re seeing more pictures of it, and we can’t wait. These new pics were spotted on Bolter & Chainsword, let’s take a look.

Repulsor Repulsor Repulsor

We got our first real look at the new tank from Games Workshop at the beginning of June, with their video announcement.

Space Marine Repulsor

This new tank is one of the new armoured vehicles that accompanies the Primaris Space Marines to war. Like their arms and armour, it was forged on Mars, and is recognisably of the same STC origins as its predecessors.

Space Marine Repulsor

Could this be ancient technology long lost and uncovered once more, or has Cawl been “tinkering” with Omnissiah-blessed technologies? This new war machine stands ready to crush its way to war alongside the tried and tested Predator and Land Raider tanks of the Space Marine Chapters.

Space Marine Repulsor

The Repulsor is on its way soon. Stay posted for more details.


The new Getting Started With Warhammer 40,000 also held a couple more close ups of the new tank.

New Death Guard Tanks

Hopefully we’ll see the new Primaris Repulsor on next week’s pre-orders list, along side of many others that have been teased but not yet available  (like the Chaplain, and Apothecary)

What are your thoughts on the new Repulsor? Are you already making room on your list for it? Let us know in the comments below.

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