New Primaris Shoulder Pad Bits Fit All Space Marines

By Guest Author | July 6th, 2017 | Categories: BITS, Product Review, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

shapeways icons primaris

Sad that the shoulder pads on the awesome new Primaris Marines are sculpted on?  Fear not, our friends at Pop Goes the Monkey have the perfect bits for you!

Welcome back 40k Maniacs!  Today Rob is unboxing some awesome new Primaris Space Marine shoulder badges from our friends over at Pop Goes the Monkey!

utlras icon primaris pop goes the monkey


These 3D printed chapter and unit icons are affordable and stylish!  Each pack gives you 60 easy to apply high quality chapter or unit icons for only $17.99.  There are literally dozens of chapters and unit badges available to choose from and they’re constantly adding more!

Each icon requires only minimal preparation before it is ready to be applied.  A small dab of super glue is all that is required.  Even though they are much larger models, the Primaris pauldrons are the same size as regular marine pauldrons, making all of these awesome chapter and unit icons fully compatible with the older models!

Normal Pauldron

You can purchase all these awesome icons and more from the Pop Goes the Monkey web store.  Packs range from $12 (for 10 complete shoulder pads) to $18 (for 60 glue on icons).

Space Marine Chapter & Unit Icons

  • 60 chapter or Unit icons per pack.
  • Easy to apply with only minor cleaning required.
  • Dozens of Chapters and Unit types to chose from.
  • Compatible with all existing Space Marine Shoulder Pads including Primaris

Check out the whole unboxing video in the link below!