Primaris Space Marine Paint Planner Tool

By James Rodriguez | March 27th, 2024 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

New 40K Primaris Art WalBefore you start just throwing paint all over your new Primaris Space Marine models you might want to have a plan. This paint planner is perfect for it!

Tabletop Teacher put out a paint planner a couple months ago for your Primaris Space Marines that’s a little bit more user friendly than the Games Workshop version. If you’re looking to see how certain designs or color schemes will look this is a great tool to have. The original paint planner put out by Games Workshop had a lot of gaps in the lines, so it was a little tougher to use drawing editors. Well, Tabletop Teacher fixed that, let’s take a look at what they had to say.

Now I’m certain they didn’t intend to add all those little gaps in the lines making it hard for you to use simple drawing editors to plan your marines on computer, nor did they realise how difficult it would be to do so on .pdf format.

So I fixed it for them. Here’s the same thing with the gaps filled in, and in easy to edit .jpeg format. Don’t worry Gee Dubs… Tabletop Teacher’s got your back!

Primaris Space Marine Painting Planner

In all seriousness, I’ve done this for my student neophytes to plan their paint schemes. I sincerely don’t know why Games Workshop decided to make computer editing more challenging for people, and I can only assume it was done for some kind of Copyright reasons. But it might just be some more benign reasons, such as a dodgy re-scale. Ether way, if someone from GW wants me to take it down, just let me know.

The paint planner is sure to make putting paint on the model a lot faster, and now, with this new image, you can use different drawing editors to speed up the process. Get a look you really want, set it up next your paint station, and you have a perfect painting guide for your new Primaris Marines.

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What are your thoughts on the paint planner? Is this something you would use?

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