Psychic Awakening Rumors: 40k Daemons Getting A New Codex

daemonette close up chaos demon hor walIt’s been a minute since we heard rumors on Daemons in 40k. With one of the earlier codexes in the series, they may be getting more support soon.

More and more rumors have emerged stretching beyond the Aeldari in the Psychic Awakening series. And while nothing has been confirmed just yet, there are even more rumors popping up about Daemons getting their own book. Here is the latest.

Psychic Awakening Rumors: Daemons Getting Their Own Book

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Every faction has said to be getting some kind of stake in Psychic Awakening although not every faction may be getting their own book. Looking toward Chaos Daemons, an Industry Insider had this to say:

Similar to Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons are getting their 2.0 book around the time of another psychic awakening

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Interestingly enough, Blood Angels have been rumored to featured in one of the Psychic Awakenings that may be picking up where the Devastation of Baal left off. If you remember, the demon Ka’bandha had to swoop in and save the Blood Angels from utter annihilation.

If these books are released around the same time, there might be more development on what the Khornate Daemon wants with the faction (still/again)!

What are your thoughts on Daemon support in the form of a new codex?

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