USA Themed Prime Battle Walkers Make Perfect Knights!

By Guest Author | December 27th, 2019 | Categories: Army Showcase, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

Welcome back Hobby fans!  Today Rob is showing us some awesome Puppetswar Prime Battlewalkers for ‘count-as’ Imperial Knight Titans!

These awesome models from the masterminds over at Puppetswar com are your solution to making awesome counts-as Imperial Knight Titans!

These guys come fully posable and pre-drilled for easy magnetization with available options to equip them as any of the standard Imperial Knight Titans! These models were painted by the folks over at the Wobbly Modelers, and yes they do take commissions!

Set contains one resin Prime battlewalker v1 armed with two close combat arms, if magnets will be used, it’s easy to mount and dismount weapons and arms on bettlewalker, and also it is possible to point the weapons upward or forward on back pack slots. Prime weapon slots are compatible with all kinds of vehicle weapons available on website. Each leg can be assembled as right or left. Set contains two versions of palms.

Prime Battlewalkers can be purchased from the website for 40,00 €

Prime Battlewalker

Check out the whole video below!