Rage Lords Female Primarch Miniatures By HeresyLab

rage lords kickstarter smallIf you’re for some great alternatives to Primarch level tabletop minis, check out the Rage Lords female Kickstarter from Heresylab!

These are not the Primarchs of old! Come and see this hot new Kickstarter from the hobby maniacs at Heresylab.

Rage Lords 54mm Female Primarch Miniatures by HeresyLab:

Rage Lords 54mm

Rage Lords 54mm


Rage Lords 54mm


Rage Lords 54mm


Rage Lords 54mm


Rage Lords 54mmIn the past 2 years months we have designed over 100 models for our range, and delivered over 90000 miniatures to our backers and customers, facing some rough circumstances and unexpected issues. Nerveless we always have succeeded and delivered our goods. 

HL Ladies will begin with 10 figures and may expand based on funding. If a picture is worth a thousand words than these images should speak for themselves.

These new miniatures would make a great addition to your tabletop collection. Make sure you visit the Rage Lords Kickstarter and secure your minis today!

Rage Lords 54mm Kickstarter by HeresyLab: