Raven Guard, Iron Hands: Release Lineup & Pricing

By Andrew Schrank | September 16th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warhammer gw store new releases

New Space Marines incoming! Take a look at the new release lineup and pricing for all the new Raven Guard and Iron Hands products.

GW is continuing the Space Marine releases with both Raven Guard and Iron Hands. New sets of rules and units are coming in hot, so let’s dive in!

Primaris Kayvaan Shrike $40

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Kayvaan Shrike box


Kayvaan Shrike


Kayvaan Shrike sprue

This 25-piece plastic set make one Kayvaan Shrike and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm Round Base.

Iron Father Feirros $40

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Feirros Box


Malkaan Feirros


Feirros sprue

This 17-part plastic kit makes one Iron Father Feirros and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm Round Base.

Primaris Eliminators $50

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Eliminators box




Eliminators sprue 1


Eliminators sprue 2


Eliminators sprue 3

The plastic kit is made up of 60 components and makes three Eliminators. Each model is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base. The set also includes a Primaris Space Marines Infantry transfer sheet.

Lieutenant in Phobos Armor $35

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Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour box


Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour


Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour sprue

This 12-part plastic kit makes 1 Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour and comes supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base.

Raven Guard Upgrade Sprue & Transfers $25

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Raven Guard Transfers

This kit contains 2 frames, each containing the following:

– 5x Raven Guard MK X power armour shoulder pads (designed for use with Hellblasters/Intercessors)
– 1x Raven Guard MK X power armour shoulder pad (designed for Characters or Sergeants from Hellblasters/Intercessors squads)
– 2x Raven Guard Gravis armour shoulder pad (designed for use with Aggressors)
– 1x Raven Guard Gravis armour shoulder pad (designed for Characters or Sergeants from Aggressors squads)
– 2x Raven Guard character bare heads
– 1x Raven Guard helmeted head
– 1x left arm holding a stalker bolt rifle
– 1x right arm holding a grenade
– 1x pauldron
– 5x Raven Guard decorations, including feathers, bird skulls and a reliquary

The set also contains 2 transfer sheets including Chapter, squad and vehicle transfers, as well as campaign badges, squad numbers, rank and honour markings.

Iron Hands Upgrade Sprue & Transfers $25

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Iron Hands Transfers

This kit contains 2 frames, each containing the following:

– 5x Iron Hands MK X power armour shoulder pads (designed for use with Hellblasters/Intercessors)
– 1x Iron Hands MK X power armour shoulder pad (designed for Characters or Sergeants from Hellblasters/Intercessors squads)
– 2x Iron Hands Gravis armour shoulder pad (designed for use with Aggressors)
– 1x Iron Hands Gravis armour shoulder pad (designed for Characters or Sergeants from Aggressors squads)
– 2x Iron Hands character bare heads
– 1x Iron Hands helmeted head
– 1x left arm with bionics
– 1x right arm with bionic hand, holding a bolt rifle
– 2x purity seals
– 1x pauldron
– 4x Iron Hands decorations

The set also contains 2 transfer sheets including Chapter, squad and vehicle transfers, as well as campaign badges, squad numbers, rank and honour markings.

Raven Guard Codex $30 (Collector’s edition $65)

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Raven Guard Codex

Iron Hands Codex $30 (Collector’s edition $65)

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Iron Hands Codex

Raven Guard & Iron Hands Datacards $15 ea. 

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Raven + Iron Data cards

Are you pumped for the two newest Space Marine additions? Will you be adding either of the new characters to your collection? Or maybe your excited to get your hands on the repackaged eliminators?

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