Raven Guard: Primaris Kayvaan Shrike Rules REVEALED

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Shrike’s rules were just previewed so it’s time to see what he’ll be bringing to the tabletop with his Chapter. Check out his new set of stats.

Warhammer Community revealed the rules of Kayvaan Shrike now that he’s sitting as a Primaris Chapter Master. Getting a bird’s-eye view of his stats, he looks to be a master of precision strikes.

Kayvaan Shrike Rules Spotted: The Master of Precision

Kayvaan Shrike


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Starting off with Shrike’s new stat line, he’s still T4 but has a whopping 14″ movement and 6 attacks. (Now 7 when he charges in thanks to shock assault).

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As for his ranged weapon, Blackout, it’s an 18″ pistol that can target characters hitting like a S4 storm cannon. Plus, it can cause a few lucky mortal wounds. However, the real reason why you take him is to get him into combat. His Raven Talons are only S4 but if the Assault Doctrine is active, they’re boosted up to a -4 AP 2 damage lightning claw that rerolls wounds. That’s potentially 14 damage from one model if you make all your wound rolls!

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Remember, Shrike is a Chapter Master now letting you reroll all hit rolls for friendly units within 6″. However, he’s also giving a re-rollable charge bonus to Jump Pack units and Phobos units within 6″ of himself. We might be seeing lists loaded with Infiltrators, Incursors, and Inceptors for maximum Primaris damage.

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Finally, this is a nifty little rule that probably won’t make too much of a difference in-game besides one more dead model. But when he charges in, on a 4+ you can dish out a mortal wound. It’s nice if you really need to chip off a wound of something like a Knight before it dies.

With Shrike’s rules under our belt, what do you think about the new Chapter Master? What Jump/Phobos units will you be bringing along with him for the max re-roll output? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!