Reinvent Your 40k Strategy With Dutch Masters Army List Ideas

40k-homebrew-army-listsDon’t miss our favorite Warhammer 40k Army list of the week that you can use to reinvent your strategy from the Dutch Masters Finale.

Check out this excellent homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend that shows that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Fresh 40k Army List Ideas To Reinvent Your Strategy: Dutch Masters Finale

We can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves, thanks to Best Coast Pairings. Save $20 by subscribing to BCP for a year by clicking this special promo link.

The Dutch Masters Finale top 8

Dutch Masters Finale: Blood Angels – JC Van Der Lee 4th Place

blood angels wal hor


JC van der Lee 1

JC’s Blood Angels almost snuck into the Top 3, being led by the new Apothecary Biologis for lethal hits, two Chaplains for +1 wound rolls in melee, Lemartes for Lethal hits and -1 incoming damage, and lastly, a Lieutenant for re-rolls. A single Rhino also brings a transport for a unit on the early turns.

JC van der Lee 2

Other sheets start with Aggressors for some mobility and great weapons, followed by a Dreadnought for another ranged model sporting great durability. Three units of Death Company Marines act as glass cannon units with great melee profiles, while two units of Inceptors bring in more mobility with anti-infantry ranged weapons that can also hurt armor (depending on your bonuses).

JC van der Lee 3

A unit of Infiltrators adds a few more ranged models, and a Land Raider is a tremendous armored vehicle with good ranged options.

JC van der Lee 4

The list closes on two units of Scouts for some cheap bodies to round out points.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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