Rent Me! Painted Miniatures Program From White Metal

No time to paint, but gotta play this weekend? No problem! Now you can rent or make payments on some custom creations from White Metal Games. Check out how.

If you need that one mini for the next tournament or are looking for a great way to make payments on some great custom work then check out this new program from White Metal Games!

White Metal Games offers you the option to rent models, from one to an army.

Maybe you can’t afford to buy all the models you would like, or you just don’t have the space to store them in.

Want to try out a model or army before buying? We’ve got that covered.

To see what models are currently available for rental, click here.

For more details and to tell us what models you would like to see us rent, see our Model Rental page.

Rent Chaos Gargant “Cacus”:

Rent To Own Program From White Metal Games


Rent To Own Program From White Metal Games


Rent To Own Program From White Metal Games

Chaos Gargant “Cacus” on 105 mm oval base, painted by pintado_de_miniaturas

This product is available to buy or rent.

Buy, rent, or rent to own this model. We offer the ability to rent it by the week or month. Rent it for nine consecutive months and it is yours to keep!

Click here to visit Cacus in our webstore to rent him.

This is just one of the amazing minis in this great program from White Metal Games. Make sure you visit their site to see some of the other great creations!

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