Reserve Your Spot For the 2022 SoCal Open!

Socal open 2022Reserve your spot for the SoCal Open 2022 and register for one of the best ITC tournament events this fall!

If you’ve been itching to play in an ITC event, well, then you need to hop on this tournament! It will have all kinds of tournaments like 40k, AoS, Legion, MCP, and more! Things have been kicking into high gear lately, so don’t sit around and miss out, as the tickets are sure to sell out.

The event will take place October 21-23, 2022 in Del Mar, California, so there’s still time if you need to book a room, but if you live near there, this is a no-brainer. You can grab your tickets to the event here. Let’s look at some of the details.

Reserve Your Spot For the 2022 SoCal Open!

Socal open 2022 2Let’s hear what they have to say about the event:

The Frontline Gaming SoCal Open is taking place October 21-23 2022, at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in Del Mar California. The SoCal Open is a fan-favorite FLG event for many reasons: close to the beach, plenty of space in the hall, and a super chill crowd and this year will be no different! The 40K Champs will take place as a two-day, 6-round event this year allowing for people to not have to take Friday off from work. But there will still be plenty of fun stuff taking place Friday! The full FLGN Stream Team should be on site as well as the FLG store with awesome deals from our legendary second-hand shop. 

Now, let’s see what the tickets will run you!

40K Champs: $100

Socal open 2022 3

This is a digital ticket for an event occurring at the SoCal Open 2022 held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, October 21st through the 23rd, 2022. (NOT ALL EVENTS TAKE PLACE ALL THREE DAYS). Refer to the Event Information above for specifics of this event. You will not receive a physical ticket for this event.

AoS Championships: $90

AoS Championships

This is a digital ticket for an event occurring at the SoCal Open 2022 held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, October 21st through the 23rd, 2022. (NOT ALL EVENTS TAKE PLACE ALL THREE DAYS). Refer to the Event Information above for specifics of this event. You will not receive a physical ticket for this event.

 Star Wars Legion Championships: $67

Star Wars championships

This is a digital ticket for an event occurring at the SoCal Open 2022 held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, October 21st through the 23rd, 2022. (NOT ALL EVENTS TAKE PLACE ALL THREE DAYS). Refer to the Event Information above for specifics of this event. You will not receive a physical ticket for this event.

2022 SoCal Open LVO Qualifier: $43

LVO Qualifier

This is a digital ticket for an event occurring at the SoCal Open 2022 held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, October 21st through the 23rd, 2022. (NOT ALL EVENTS TAKE PLACE ALL THREE DAYS). Refer to the Event Information above for specifics of this event. You will not receive a physical ticket for this event.

That does it for this one; now go grab your tickets!

Click Here to Get Your Tickets!