Battle For Salvation GT: Top 40k Tournament Army Lists

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Unlock victory with the top Warhammer 40k tournament army lists featuring Thousand Sons, CSM, and Tyranids from the Battle for Salvation 2024.

Battle For Salvation GT: Top 40k Tournament Army Lists

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The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our commentary on their selections. Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. Click this special promo link to save $20 on a year’s subscription to BCP.

Battle For Salvation GT 2024 top 8


3rd Place: TJ Lanigan – Thousand Sons

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TJ Lanigan t son 1


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2nd Place: Johnny Zoo – Chaos Space Marines

chaos space marines warhammer 40k factions guide

Johnny Zoo csm 1


Johnny Zoo csm 2


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Johnny Zoo csm 4

1st Place: Samuel Pope – Tyranids

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Samuel Pope ty nids 1

Samuel’s Tyranid list went all in on charges with a heavy focus on melee models. A Winged Hive Tyrant led the list for a strong mobile melee threat that also has mortal wound output and a CP cost reduction ability.

There was also a Tervigon, which is simply a massive dedicated melee model with the nice benefit of some shots to take out chaff in the way of your charges. Troops saw some basic options in a single Hormagaunt unit and four sets of Termagants for some chaff that can help hold objectives.

Samuel Pope ty nids 2

Biovores help place mines around the map, while three Exocrnes dive right back into the Melee-Threat-Mayhem. Pair that with two Lictors and two Tyrannofexs, and you’ve got a list not only packed with dangerous melee threats but also massive monster models that are durable!

Sam’s army list then ends on a Venomthrope for a last touch of support thanks to its ability to give nearby units cover while they march up the board. Learn more about playing Tyranids in our 40k army guide here.

In conclusion, the Battle for Salvation 2024 showcased some impressive Warhammer 40k army lists, with a focus on Thousand Sons, Chaos Space Marines, and Tyranids. The top three players demonstrated strategic diversity and skillful use of their chosen factions, emphasizing the importance of mobility, melee prowess, and durable monstrous units.

Whether you’re a veteran player or just getting started playing Warhammer 40k, there’s a lot to learn from these top-tier tactics and compositions.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think of these top Warhammer 40k army lists and results from the Battle For Salvation GT?