REVEALED – GW’s Black Friday Bundles

By Rob Baer | November 27th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

black friday weekend

All the bundles have been revealed! Come see all the new bundle deals from Games Workshop for Black Friday!

Via Games Workshop





So it looks like the rumors were true, there is quite a few special Black Friday “deals” in the form of bundles both online and at your local Games Workshop store.

Via GW Winter Park (Orlando?)

Here are all of the bundles for Black Friday, available in store from Friday, November 27th through Monday, November 30th, 2015!

Each bundle contains one box of each unit listed, unless noted as more! These are while-supplies-last and on a first come first serve basis! Also stop in to the store to learn about our 37 other online exclusive bundles for the Holiday Weekend!

Adepts Mechanicus – $345
Tech-Priest Dominus, Ironstrider, Skitarii, Sicarians, Onager Dunecrawler, Kastelan Robots, Battle Servitors, Electro Priests

Tyranids – $420
Trygon/Mawloc, Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord, Haruspex, Warriors, Swarm, Carnifex Brood

Astra Militarum – $410
Officio Prefectus Commissar, Cadian Heavy Weapon Squad, Leman Russ Demolisher, Leman Russ Battle Tank, Manticore/Deathstrike, Hydra, Cadian Defense Force, W.O.M. Vengeance Weapon Battery

Dark Angels – $210
Interrogator-Chaplain, TWO Dark Angel Upgrade Packs, Dreadnaught, TWO Dark Angel Company Veteran Squads, TWO Tactical Squads

Orks – $205
Ork Mek, TWO Warbiker Mobs, Lootas/Burnas, Battlewagon, Bommer

Eldar – $280
TWO Wraithlords, Wraithknight, TWO Wraithguards, Spiritseer

Necron Indomitable Legion – $260
Overlord, TWO Immortals/Deathmarks, Lychguard/Triarch Praetorians, Monolith, TWO Necron Warriors, Tomb Blades

Deathwing – $170
Librarian in Terminator Armor, Venerable Dreadnought, TWO Deathwing Command Squads

Grey Knights – $290
Space Marine Venerable Dreadnought, Stormraven Gunship, Grey Knights Strike Squad, Grey Knight Nemesis Dreadknight, TWO Paladin Squads

Harlequins – $205

Death Jester, Shadower, Solitaire, TWO Troupes, Skyweavers, Starweaver

Space Marine Veterans – $280
TWO Terminator Squads, Terminator Close Combat Squad, TWO Sternguard Veteran Squads, TWO Vanguard Veteran Squad

Chaos Space Marines – $295
Possessed Space Marines, TWO Chaos Terminators, TWO Chaos Space Marine Forgefiends, Chaos Land Raider

Necron Host – $585
Necron Overlord, Monolith, TWO Battleforces, Tomb Blades, TWO Doom/Night Scythe, Annihilation Barge, Lychguard, Immortals, Triarch Stalker, Panoptic Wraiths

Dark Eldar – $475
Archon, Haemonculus, Succubus, Hellions, Ravager, TWO Venoms, Talos Pain Engine, Voidraven Bomber, Wracks, TWO Kabalite Warriors, TWO Wyches, TWO Raiders

Death Company Assault – $205
TWO Furioso Dreadnoughts, TWO Death Companies, Stormraven

Stormcast Eternals Host – $480
Knight-Heraldor, Knight-Vexillor, Lord-Castellant, Lord-Celestant, Celestant-Prime Hammer of Sigmar, TWO Judicators, Knigtht-Azryos, TWO Liberators, Paladins, Prosecutors

Stormcast Eternal Vanguard – $245
Lord-Celestant, TWO Judicators, TWO Liberators, Paladins

Daemons of Khorne – $195
TWO Bloodletters of Khorne, Bloodcrushers of Khorne, Khorne Bloodthirster

Wood Elves – $275
Araloth, TWO Glade Guards, TWO Eternal Guards, TWO Sisters of the Thorn, Treeman Ancient, Spellweaver with Staff

Forces of Death – $605
Necromancer, Tomb Banshee, Wight King, Zombies, TWO Skeletons, TWO Grave Guard, TWO Crypt Ghouls, Lord on Zombie Dragon, Vargheists/Crypt Horrors, TWO Black Knights/Hexwraiths, Coven Throne/Mortis Engine, Nagash, Mortarchs of Nagash, Skeleton Warriors

Warriors of Chaos – $235
Gutrot Spume, TWO Marauders of Chaos, TWO Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Warshrine, Putrid Blightkings

Dwarfs – $225
Dwarf Runelord, Gyrobomber, TWO Hammerers, TWO Ironbreakers

High Elves – $345
Prince and Noble, TWO Phoenix Guard, TWO White Lions of Chrace, Dragon Princes of Caledor, High Elf Battalion, Flamespire Phoenix

Skaven – $300
TWO Clanrats, TWO Stormvermin, Doomwheel, Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace, Hell Pit Abomination, Warp Lightning Cannon/Plagueclaw

Orcs & Goblins – $200
TWO Night Goblins, River Trolls, Arachnarok Spider, TWO Savage Orcs


So the only way to get a deal on Tau looks to be this bundle that goes live on Saturday as well. If you run this numbers on this one, the Riptide’s FREE!

Are these the deals you’re looking for?

Episode 27 – Gamer’s Bill of Rights