Ride the Lightning: Thunderwolf Calvary

It’s hard to know much about the Thunderwolf Calvary because they are so secretive, but we know still punish poor enemies everywhere!

With the Wolvey boys getting their supplement we wanted to learn more about a fun unit from the cold planet. If you live giant wolves and insane marines, this is the unit for you! Let’s be honest though, you’re reading this, so of course, you love those things! Get snuggled up with your favorite dog buddy and let’s learn about some lore!

Riding the Big Boys of Mystery

The riders are considered mythical in all of the Imperium, not only because of their combat prowess but because they have never shown up in almost any records. That doesn’t mean Wolfriders can’t hurt you though! The sneaky, sneaky Space Wolves continue to deny their existence, despite the truth. Which only lets the myth continue to grow. You know where there are Space Marines there are Guardsmen doing the real work. And you know the loose lips of the pathetic humans spill the stories to anyone who will listen. Wouldn’t you tell your buddy about some giant Marines riding even bigger wolves? Of course, you would after a few drinks!

So know that we know they are real (because you can always trust a guardsman!), let’s dive deeper. Thunderwolves are gigantic by any standards, well maybe other than Catachan ones… They can grow to over eight feet at the shoulder with a thick covering of fur that can stop bullets. They are simply the top of the food chain on Fenris, well besides the Space Wolves themselves. The beasts are naturally solitary animals who fight to the death on sight. No one is sure how they mate, but we’ll leave that up to the scientists! So getting a controlled group together is no small feat! leman russ space wolf wal

Training Your Mount

Some of the more adventurous Wolf Guard have taken to training these mounts. While many like to say they have tamed one, few can actually ride them! Breaking one is far different from a wild horse. While the aforementioned beast can do serious damage to you, the Wolves will simply eat you if you fail.  Sounds like fun…

After they are tamed, you know the Space Wolves can’t let well enough alone. They often augment their already incredible mounts with all sorts of adamantium jaws and strength enhancements. Just leave it to humans to feel the need to take something and make it all the more frightening. Maybe if they didn’t have such tendencies we wouldn’t have had Horus!

Thunderwolf Calvary

In Battle

While they pretend they don’t exist, there is at least one somewhat pixelated video of them riding into a Nob horde of Orks. They rampaged through the lines and caused havoc almost unknown to the Nobz. While you can’t really surprise Orks with violence, they almost did! Many Xenos has reported almost Daemon like wolves destroying their poor units, the Imperium still remains in the dark.

All we know is that once they get stuck in, they destroy everything in their path. If you see a giant unit of wolves rampaging at you soon, just don’t let them get into combat! Take a page from the Xenos and just run away to fight another day! Because what’s scarier than some crazed Space Wolves? Ones riding giant beasts is what!

Thunderwolf Calvary 2

Learn More about Space Wolves & Thunderwolf Calvary Here!