Rules Conundrum – Ad Mech Version

By Rob Baer | March 25th, 2015 | Categories: Rules Conundrums, Warhammer 40k News

admech wlapaper

There is a little rule for the new Mechanicum that’s causing quite the controversy, check this out!

This one was caught by the BoLS Lounge’s DWest

I believe I’ve spotted the first rules conundrum already: the Radium Jezzail is a Sniper weapon with the ‘Rad Poisoning‘ rules which states: “A To-Wound roll of 6 with this weapon inflicts 2 Wounds on the target unit, regardless of Toughness. These Wounds are allocated and saved against separately.” Sniper also confers Rending, which causes a To-Wound roll of 6 to be resolved at AP 2. So, does this mean both Wounds are AP 2, or only 1?

So what’s the ruling here, is it like Tesla causing two ‘bonus’ wounds and then a single AP2 one that you have to roll on, or something else entirely?

Ladies and Gentlemen, like your math teachers all said – we expect you to show your work… (in the comments down below)

What say ye?